Sheket bevaka shut the fuck up

I mean, I guess that is in keeping with the guards the last few season being characterized as the worst people on earth but yeah, Dixon is problematic. He is much worse than Coates! Coates didn’t murder anybody! ... I think. But suddenly this season Dixon is more sympathetic. I guess there is a theme this season that

About Dixon, it’s probably the thing that weirds me out the most to see how the writers seem to have treated his admission of RAPING AND MURDERING LITTLE GIRLS in war zones as some throwaway moment that doesn’t prevent in any way his subsequent use as comic relief.

There was definitely a big sister/little sister dynamic to Barb and Carol (respectively) in the earlier flashback with Frieda.  

Oh, hellz yes; I live for Adeola as my fav character from Max. 

An earlier episode clearly said Barb was older. I think Barb was a senior and Carol was a Jr in high school. Barb also said a friend’s parents said she could live with them and finish her last semester and graduate with her friends.  Seriously what kind of awful parent wouldn’t take them up on that offer considering


I finally recently subscribed to Hulu, and am really looking forward to rewatching the only season of the unjustly cancelled Selfie. Karen Gillan was amazingly adorable and funny in that.

Oh, I know it’s on purpose. That doesn’t make it okay.

I agree, but I think some of the cultural references are unnecessary to the plot. Thus, I think the writers include them just for the sake of relevance, and I’m OK with that. I’m just pointing out the total lack of logical chronology. 

Man the cast really has been purged of a lot of longstanding recurring actors this season.

For me the strongest part of the show is that the characters are continuously forced to move on and that the audience doesn’t always get emotional closure.

Weeds ran eight seasons. Trust me. I reviewed the last two.

That wedding scene was twice as long as it needed to be, but Nicky really did make it very palatable and having Cindy and Flaca show up near the end also helped. When Piper was talking about wanting to have a prison wedding “in front of all of their friends” I had to stop for a second and ask “what friends?” Piper is

Good takes. I agree that Season 7 should be the last. As I read in Vox, this show has a great way of “expanding” its story lines but it can only expand so much before it starts getting off track and not the same show as it started out to be.

This show’s timeline is brazenly fucked up and I feel like they’ve surrendered all sorts of allegiance to “years” as opposed to “we’re always circa two thousand today.” Ever since Season 2 ended it’s been perennially ambiguous about how things progress, and characters drop cultural and political/social references in


Predictions for next season:

Those Nicky scenes really worked for me even though it was partially hitting that old character note of never taking responsibility of her own actions.

While the Frida flashbacks were an efficient method to convey the roots of the rivalry between C- and D-blocks and what is driving Frida’s actions in max, the acting and directing choices in them were baffling to say the least. Also it is driving me nuts that nobody has asked what is A-Block in this situation.

WHAT ABOUT CHANG?! The # of missing inmates last season totally left her out, she escaped just like Penn! I get they’re AGAIN making a parallel to her being invisible but come on...