I've put a pin in at least 50 condoms and I'm still without child, but I'll keep trying. One of us is bound to fall pregnant on accident sooner or later if we don't stop, you know?
I've put a pin in at least 50 condoms and I'm still without child, but I'll keep trying. One of us is bound to fall pregnant on accident sooner or later if we don't stop, you know?
I just need to point out that Tara made the art, she isn't pressuring anyone into anything! Tara is a lovely person, I am the monster with the body butters.
she looks so scared. y u so scared? is it because your bikini top is DEFYING THE LAWS OF SCIENCE?!
I like to tell myself I am not insane concerning my relationship, no way am I like Mark, but then I try to measure the cat to decide which hot dog costume I need to order and I put Easter bunny stickers on my boyfriend's phone and he LEFT them there. They're still there. HE LOVES ME AND WILL LET ME HOTDOG THE CAT and…
I love spending long stretches of time with the asphalt splayed out in front of me, the window rolled down, the…
What I find especially fascinating about this too is the insistence that these two things (the mental and the biological) are actually distinct from each other. Perhaps if that binary was disrupted accepting mental illness would be a lot easier for people.
They don’t just walk the cheetahs at the San Diego zoo, each cheetah also has an emotional support dog buddy assigned to each one so they aren’t constantly stressed. Same with their wolves. It’s fucking adorable as hell.
Really? You’re trying to squeeze out of this on a technicality? “Well, if she had been a few months older they would have been under some kind of moral obligation not to spit on her final wishes, but since she was 17 - spit away! Technically a minor! We technically have no legal obligations to honour her personhood!”
I really didn’t do anything. It was my students who were on the front line dealing with bullshit and it was the girl who struggled with finding a place to pee standing up for herself. They were the brave ones. As an adult I should have thought of this, but I’m guilty of taking for granted the rights I have being…
Oh god, a 14-year-old of my acquaintance (I'm the after-school nanny/actually mostly chauffeur for her and her younger sister) was wearing one of those black plastic choker necklaces the other day when I drove her and her friend to rehearsal. I said 'wait, those are back? I thought you weren't allowed to wear them…
We had kids start a petition for our transgender students to be allowed to use the staff restroom- we have four in the building- and one of them is in the teacher’s lounge. Someone said it violated FERPA (privacy laws) to have the kid in the teacher’s lounge one with access to student grades being printed out and the…
“Transgender kids know who they are...”
Rep. Rob Taylor (R) attended, but turned his back during the blessing. This, he believes, is what Jesus would have done. “Jesus would be in the chamber, from my perspective. He would passively protest,” he told reporters.
Actual footage of the representatives:
the fact that D'Ambrosio is too young to be this world-weary
When I read this article my first thought was "Is this guy 29 or 79?" Social media is bad! No one listens! Wives think of themselves as people rather than sex toys! And when he thinks back to Marilyn Monroe? Dude, what? She died before you were born, unless this really is a 79 year old trolling us all, lol.
I hated this kid in The Fault in Our Stars (after really enjoying the book) and spent the entire movie waiting for him to get eaten by bears (because the movie is different from the book sometimes). So glad to see I'm not alone or totally off base.
"But if you can find a girl who you can go to an EDM concert with, have a conversation with, who will sit on the couch and watch you play GTA for three hours—and then you go to bed and have amazing sex? That should be your girlfriend."
We did it twice on our wedding night. Is that weird? Once the second we got in the door. (blush) and again after I finished getting the five million bobby pins out of my hair, because I was going to put that white negligee to use, damn it.