
I’m sure it’s tape, but in that case why was this bikini made? Like, it has to be a designer brand right? A product? Maybe one that is sold? Was this bikini made specifically for cover models? In which case, are there ever going to be more of them? Because you wouldn’t have another magazine cover use the exact same

My mom was 42 when she had me, she’s fine, I’m fine, and “old” parents are the best.

I did the same a couple years back (I'd never been to a wedding!) and feel like an ass about it now too. Although I seem to remember that there was nothing left on the registry I could really afford when I looked, and I didn't want to buy them like one single plate. I hope they didn't hate my gift, I tried to pick

goddamn. come on dude, I am 21 with all of one big-breakup under my belt and even I am eyerolling to hell and back at this guy. "u can agree or disagree IDEC!"


That’s beautiful. They sound like great kids.

I was going to star this comment but it has 69 stars right now so I just can’t.

Wait. So, a black orthodox Jew is exempt from racism? Dressing in orthodox Jewish garb trumps racism because Jews are so well thought-of?

I see your point, and race is a complex issue and quite possibly a contributing factor, I just think this is more a case of religion making people assholes - we don’t know the races

Like, a whole bunch of Jews have brown skin. Especially the ones from Israel. Just a whole bunch. It’s a religion. Sometimes Jews are even black. I know! What a world.

Okay so I took El Al to Israel on a Birthright trip like any good agnostic-athiest Jewish kid willing to fake religious interest for the chance at free world trvel, and it was a time I tell you.

No one refused to sit next to any girls but like so many dudes stood up in the “morning” (what do you even do when you

I totally get this and had a similar reaction. Lots of people tell me I’m chill and I’m pretty okay self-identifying as a chill person to be friends with - hard to offend, forgiving, flexible, whatever. I’m chill. But my boyfriend tells me I am not chill at all, ‘cause I can be pretty sensitive and whatever. It is

I mean, the definition of a disorder of any kind is that it interferes with your life and causes distress... so.

Study: People with Disorders have Harder Lives.

I got very sick and threw up in the street in Jerusalem. Luckily not in the Old City so at least I can be *pretty sure* nothing I puked on was more than like, a couple hundred years old.

The only time I have ever fainted was in a hospital. Sounds ideal right? Notsomuch. I was picking up my mom because she had a day surgery and she drove herself there, but wasn’t allowed to drive after. So me and my dad went to pick her up, and I was supposed to drive her home in her car while dad took the other car. V


My cousin had a nip slip walking down the isle at her wedding. I mean, I saw it happen but it was pretty fast so I also didn't really see it happen, you know? She laughed a little and got flustered but kept going. She seemed a little embarrassed at the reception when I went to say congrats but I told her no one

"I'd like them until they raised their hand and said something stupid and I would not be able to forgive such a thing."

And thus was the end of my very first high school crush.

My god I have done so much TV crying. The first time I watched Moulin Rouge with my best friend I sobbed the same ugly tears as Ewan McGregor. You are not alone.

This thread is reminding me of so many more meltdowns than the one I already posted. Last year I bought some boots, then decided to return them the next day, but THEY WOULDN'T LET ME and they were expensive boots. All of a sudden I was crying and couldn't not. They let me return the boots. Got home to find my monthly

God. I took a risk and got my hair cut short once, and all during the cut I was telling the stylist I wanted some layers, and please just not a straight bob because my hair is curly. And what does it end up being? Cried and got the haircut free. Only feel a little bit bad about it. Been cutting my own hair (and only

this picture is ADORABLE.