
“Captain John ‘Far’ Cry is sent in by a secretive government agency to infiltrate the insidious The Project at Eden’s Gate cult, ruled by charismatic leader Joseph Seed.

Counterpoint: I am having a ton of fun playing this “terrible” game.

I agree. What I particularly love is the nonchalance with which they present these families- “John and his partner Dave...” No fuss, no focus, presented exactly the way they would a hetero couple.

Huge Duran Duran fans, eh?

I wrote a similar book, here is it in it’s entirety

I believe the kids today call it “the stranger”.

Somebody needs to tell Trump that Obama always enforced his NDA’s

People who have Trump Derangement Syndrome and need everything to be about MAGA are disapponted

What is Stephen doing with his Wife’s arm

Yeah, I know Gruden’s a chode and King is one of those rare awesome and fun punters, and Gruden’s white and King is black, but it’s hard to really argue with this:

He also blew apart the whole “AR-15s aren’t weapons of war, just normal rifles” talking point.

pretty sickening huh? he spells his name with a K. that Kris Paronto character criticizing an unarmed student in non-combat situation for hiding during a mass shooting, and comparing him unfavorably to his actions as a soldier with a gun doing his job in a combat situation?

I know you guys all work closely together, but surely you could have come up with something besides 10 Tide ads.

At the risk of giving critics too much credit, they’ve praised games for being bold enough to “go there” before. Wolfenstein II, which is mentioned in the review, is a good example. So I don’t know if the issue is that Far Cry 5 isn’t “real” enough. But I haven’t played it yet, so I can’t judge.

I understand and agree, but that’s also a bit of a false dichotomy; you can actually go into the issues with the militia movement without going full shock value. The idea that you have to go to that extreme if you want to say anything is part of why it seems mush-mouthed I suspect

I disagree on people arguing against a game being “too political”, but I think there is an argument against a game being “too real”. I mean, sure there’s a market for a game where the villain uses pregnant 9-year old brides as human shields, but do you personally really want to play it?

The writing’s political neutrality seems to seep through the entirety of the game, according to the full reviews I’ve read. Disappointing to see Ubi fink out on a premise of white nationalism fairly heavily implied during the game’s original marketing. The game’s getting dinged for backsliding on this, and rightly so.

Paraphrasing from Mitch from a role on Home Movies: when you explain it sequentially my story sounds sad.

One of the million times I was sent to the Discipline Office in high school, the Dean was in the middle of his lunch of Chinese food. I said, "I love rice. Rice is great when you're hungry and want 2,000 of something." The Dean laughed and sent me away without punishment. It's Mitch Hedberg's fault I lack discipline,