It’s widely assumed once the clamor for World dies down, a translated port of XX will be announced for the Switch.
Its pure co-op.
Most MonHun games have had crossover content from other games. This one, on the PS4 at least, has HZD stuff.
Dual blades are my jam as well, so fun to roll in, bang out a combo, then roll away before you get smashed.
In the demo/Beta, the time was greatly reduced from the rest of the series, it is likely that the actual live game will have longer time limits.
He had just said that the competency test was to make sure “a person isn’t a monkey in a suit”, I took the joke to infer that Trump is indeed a monkey in a suit.
You are right in that this is on the Republicans, because Trump ruined DACA & R’s let CHIP expire to prioritize giving billionaires back millions on taxes.
I 100% support “close all private prisons”, the detainment of criminals to help protect the majority of law-abiders should NOT be a for-profit enterprise.
I’m surprised an amicable solution wasn’t reached on this. As you say, no likelihood of confusion, plus the logo is reasonably different.
Not to be That Guy...
I’m floored by this.
These are good steps, but it’s too late for me.
I’ve read people who know him swear he isn’t an alcoholic.
It was my first time reading a Breitbart comment and thinking “he has a pretty good point...”
Also, “Chavez”.
It’s the problem with cultivating an audience of hyper-partisan reactionary troglodytes who constantly engage in ideological purity contests, it fractures over time.
Even if Gruden were a league-average coach, he wouldn’t live up to the Legend Of Gruden.