
Broken Tiger Woods

AJ is wrestler of the year in my book, but Miz is promo of the year. He has finally found his hook, getting brutally personal to the point where he is inspiring those he brutalized to match him in promo work.

She was far and away the best Aunt Viv, it’s not even close.

It is weird. That “alt-right” haircut was most recently the haircut of the urban gay man or butch gay lady, and now it’s co-opted by racist jerks who ruin everything by association.

I think the problem is that you’re even bothering to try to clear these camps so early.

I use a VPN, but I will no longer use it when viewing porn. As punishment for this invasion of privacy, I want someone to have to know what I masturbate to, feel my despair and sadness.

President Abraham Lincoln loved that play, except for this one thing...

Well, there’s always anal...


This is awful and fuck the assailant.

My fave part of that photo was the accompanying article where Ryan said he liked to listen to Rage Against the Machine. Then someone took that info to RATM guitarist Tom Morrello, who tore Ryan apart.

My fave Trump/ship meme!

The best part of that gif (aside from a Nazi being punched), is that he was punched while explaining why a grown man would wear a pin featuring a cartoon frog meme.

Far-left guy.

He and Pence mostly jerk each other off as they watch musicals.

Same here, but I assumed Vera was his mother, and that the song was from the perspective of the father, missing her while he was at war.

For the sake of comedy, I hope it turns out Russia wanted Gary Johnson to win so they could receive a windfall from exporting vape pens to America.

Walls can’t stop airplanes.

That is oddly specific.