
If you don’t have a gaming PC, I’d say go PS4. It will get a lot of 3rd party stuff the Switch won’t, plus PS4 has a lot of games out for it since it’s been out for a few years. The Switch, as with all new consoles, has a very sparse lineup for the next 6 months or so. Especially if you have a Wii U already.

You forgot the best part. After all of those chucklefucks fall in the well, they decide to have a gay sex orgy (as one does after falling into a well) right as Pence falls into the well and he has to watch all the dicks and buttholes glisten and pulsate as he sits there softly weeping with a shame-boner.

A: Imaging Ranadive saying this to you. It’s the fucking creepiest, right?

(2' 4" in Freedom Units™)

furries are harmless

Ghost of Jerry Buss” “Goddamn, Trump has put together a truly awful cabinet, probably the worst ever.”

Here’s an Executive Order that is bipartisan, we can all endorse it.

By all reports, yes, the owner had declined every trade offer previous, but then changed his mind over All Star weekend.

Dibs on XxSuperSaiyan420BlazeitBattleDongerxX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

It was a very bad trade in terms of the talent of Cousins leaving versus what they got back. I will say though, because of Cousins’ attitude/reputation, they were never going to get back an equal amount of talent.

one, a limp, anthropomorphic scarf; the other, a tin-haired gargoyle

I agree with you but please keep transgender women and crossdressers separate.

I’m aware there is a difference, but to these idiots trying to impose laws on who poops where, it’s all the same. The rules are always about the gender on the birth certificate, so it would effect transgender as well as crossdressers.

I thought it was obvious it was a joke/intentional hyperbole from the start? The issue wasn’t that we thought he was serious, it’s that it’s a weak argument, it’s insensitive, and it’s an apples-to-oranges comparison.

Feel free to post your IP here then.

It’s a terrible idea to post your IP address anywhere, for any reason, please tell me you understand this?

He confirmed the reason he didn’t try to update in the video as he had already tried and was unable.