If all of that were true, then why do people continue to drive there? Are you suggesting that people just endlessly throw money out the window for no reason just because?
If all of that were true, then why do people continue to drive there? Are you suggesting that people just endlessly throw money out the window for no reason just because?
Hmmmm, that is a very mixed review.
Jay Bilas is a known narc.
::Richard Gere nods approvingly::
Doctors elaborated on the injury, noting it was the grittiest and most eloquent rib-cracking they’ve seen yet.
Rex Ryan has just announced he is open to signing a shoe deal.
I’m assuming I’m wrong, but it seems like the car-buying segment that would lust over a sporty RWD would also want the manual.
Kramer vs Kramer is about a divorce where both parents want custody of the children, there is zero chance Donald has watched it.
Re: the lede picture:
Some handheld/console hybrids just want to watch the world burn.
This is just like that time Mox Moxon replaced Lance Harbor!!
She did, and, it didn’t cost her a dime, and you’ll know it’s her when she comes drivin’ through your town.
His wife pointed it out, shouldn’t she get some beefcake posing on a Cadillac?