Yea, that’s true.
Yea, that’s true.
I see you have Parked yourself on the side of snark, but I ask you to Reverse course. This is a Nuetral website, we don’t want to Drive away people who don’t like Low humor.
Nice SJW pandering there, Torch.
This looks terrible.
Probably my favorite Dave Chappelle stand-up bit.
I prefer the London SillyNannies.
I agree with each case you have shown in your comment. These are explicit photos of man’s inhumanity to man, and as disturbing as they might be, it is important to show people to engender sympathy & respect.
I’m not going to defend his character, but having played football, I will say this:
I love the idea and concept of these, I just hope they last longer than a week. The (original?) version GloBowl are defective. Our first one died in a week, we issued a complaint, they were very prompt to respond and sent us a replacement with the explanation that “the first batch didn’t meet quality standards, we…
I love the idea and concept of these, I just hope they last longer than a week. The (original?) version GloBowl are…
While I actually prefer these smaller easily-overlooked games appearing for Plus (the big AAA games I fancy I will eventually buy the GOTY version), I am surprised that for December they didn’t go all-out with a big impressive AAA game.
I skipped past that section. I have a weak stomach, 99% sure reading that would have ruined for the week.
I’m also a rape victim (fuck using gentler terms, I was raped), and have zero problems with this game.
I voted for Hillary, and believe Trump will be the single worst president of my lifetime (42 years).
“Master Tesfatsion”
I can’t see the fight, because two things in the foreground have my attention.
Yes, the nerf to the speed at which you can get pokestops has effectively killed the game for me. My wife plays it from the passenger seat while we run errands, but I would now have to pull over since anything above 20mph is a no-go.
This implies it was planned for and thought out ahead of time, are you unfamiliar with the Raven franchise?
To me it ran into the issue of being “realistic”. The streets and lanes were proportionally correct, but that isn’t fun in a game where driving is your means of getting around.
Same here. I liked the concept and toolset of the first Watch Dogs, I just greatly disliked the driving. I’ll grab WD2 in March or so, once it’s on sale and I clear my backlog a bit.