sister h


Oh, I don’t hold it against him, at all. I’m just picturing the execs, looking at the comics and thinking, you know who would be great in this Japanese role? A white guy!

I guess it’s easier to say “No” when it’s a minor role (ergo “less money”), but still this puts other actors who just went along with it to shame (yeah, Tilda Swinton, I’m talking about you.).

No sympathy for this guy, but it’s interesting that his remarks as quoted above show at least a hint of self-awareness. Let’s hope he resolves to be a better person, though I won’t exactly be holding my breath on that one.

I assume Jake Gyllenhaal is busy?

As a teacher, it’s completely possible that a 10-year old child doesn’t understand racism. That doesn’t mean you let them get away with it. You teach them that racially abusing another student is wrong and shocking and will get them kicked hard.

I am sick of parents who think their elementary-school aged kids can’t possibly be racist fucks. Some of the meanest, most vile things are said and done by 10 year-olds.

I feel like I can say with total confidence that literally no black person on that train (“rap minstrel” or otherwise) said:

Suddenly, a wild hip hop appeared!

I was expecting him to say...”In their natural habitat...”

Also, how would a crime victim know that the perpetrator was undocumented? Because the alleged criminal didn’t show “papers” first? Because they LOOKED illegal?

The whole idea of this is kind of baffling, how do you even know if the person is removable? Do you have their documentation or something? Or are you just supposed to call if the person is brown?

Your theory is the only viable one I have seen so far for why they are doing this hotline.

The stupid thing is that, according to The Guardian, the recorded pre-message tells the caller to contact their local law enforcement first. They come right out and say that they’re not a LEO. This is all about finding stories that they can use as ad fodder.

A thousand stars. This”hotline” is designed only to capture “stories” that can then be used to “support” the Trumpian agenda. They can offer no help, only information, so what are they offering that local police, google searches and community outreach programs can’t? Nothing. Other than stealing your data like a

It reminds me of the proposed “Barbaric cultural practices hotline” in Canada a few years ago. Like, we already have a hotline to report those things. It’s called the police.

I cannot star this enough.

How is pranking these assholes hurting victims?

How about the people that flipped from Bernie to trump? “I’ll take a white guy and any white guy you have, dear sir!”

They were scared out of their fucking mind in the first election. In the second they were less scared but probably turned out in normal numbers to try and elect bland Mitt. Meanwhile, Obama was still able to pull together his “base.” But in this third election THEY. FUCKING. LOVED. TRUMP. AND. HATED. HILLARY! Their