Shawn Wayne

A few drops of dishwashing soap and hot water in the sink. use a paper towel to scrub, rinse and then rinse again using the hot water function from the coffee pot/kcup/whatever.

It’s definitely more expensive, but I use ethanol free gas for all our small engine tools (string trimmer, mower, edger, etc.) You can google your local area for places that sell it. I see it at a few gas stations and places that rent equipment and ATV’s.

By far the best thing you can do help a recently purchased lawnmower run better, is speed up the throttle.

For what it’s worth, a $10 flat file and some patience can sharpen a blade as well, and sometimes you end up with a more durable edge because you’re not heating the blade up so much. Sounds like a lot of work but it’s really not that bad, did mine yesterday in about 20 minutes. I also don’t have a vice, so I used a

no idea, guess we’ll figure that part out on friday, haha

I prefer the last Subaru you posted.

Anything goes wrong while carrying Domadiful’s kit in a small state park in michigan and they would be royally fucked.

And yours comes across as one of those “Yeah, sure, T-Mobile BingeOn opens a rabbit hole into net neutrality abuse, but who cares? Free stuff!” comments but oh well. I didn’t say Apple would be immediately taking advantage of this, just that it provides the opportunity for abuse. Considering countless past business

I gave my iPhone headset away because they were always falling out at the slightest provocation. I assume my ears were holding them wrong.

I don’t think it’s a good idea combining them and really hope it doesn’t pick up (though I’m sure it will). Whether at work or in the car I’m constantly using both the headphone jack and charging port on my devices simultaneously. I’m perfectly content with wired headphones that don’t need charging/batteries and would

So if I were an Apple peasant, they just rendered all of my headphones, including my M50's useless? I don’t understand what Apples motivation could be except to sell lightning adapters?

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Hey Andy! Thanks for the write up!! It sounds like you may need to apply a little more tho... did you watch our Application Tips Video?

What a load of disappointing crap.

Nailed it.

Ah, the picture (didn’t watch) shows a gun (horrors). But you can just as easily hide your crystal meth there instead. Or your DVDs of child porn. It has myriads of nefarious uses. Of course you could just put your car keys in it, too.

It’s not a fear of the outside world, psychopathy, or a career in crime.
It’s just being prepared in the event that you need a pistol immediately.
Usually when people don’t understand something they condemn it and those that enjoy it.
This is a cool project(minus the tacky diamond plate) and fortunately you won’t need

Owning a gun makes you a psycho?
Does owning a penis make you a rapist? Does owning a vagina make you a prostitute?

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ChrisFix has helped me out a time or two.

Sprint can go fuck themselves. My unlimited data plan, which I had for years, just “mysteriously” disappeared one day. Oh we’re really sorry, once it’s gone, there’s no way to add unlimited data anymore unless it was already on the plan. WHAT. THE. FUCK. My options were to take them to court over it...or go fuck

I like Amazon for a lot of reasons and use it way more than I should, but their UI is NOT one of their strong suits. I just played with this for 10 minutes or so, and it’s about what I’d expect -- pretty much worse than almost every car comparitor on the market. It’s not terrible, but it suffers from all of the