Shawn Wayne

LOL OMG it totally is! Someone needs some moisturizer.

You bring up excellent points. There isn’t anything scientific or specific about this democratic process. There is what I would call the “herding” bias, or moving towards the largest group of supporters for no reason other than that is what everyone else is doing. You take anonymity out of the equation. Which is the

This kind of blatant disregard for firearm common sense really pisses me off. People like this give the good guys with guns a bad name. These rednecks should be thrown in jail. No trigger discipline, and he’s flagging his friend in the passenger seat, violating all the rules of firearm safety while he becomes the

Thanks for explaining why Iowa is such a big deal. This was going to be my first question until I got to the Iowa section at the end. I always thought “why all the hoopla about Iowa? It’s just a bunch of corn for miles in every direction!” This is coming from someone in Wisconsin mind you.

I know people say this all the time on here, but tires matter. My friend had an S5 which should be pretty good in the snow with quattro, except that the first time he took it out on the OEM summer tires, the EXACT same thing happened to him. It just went completely sideways and didn’t move. A couple days later after

We love to make stir fry, and I have found that using a wok 10" or smaller simply doesn’t work for cooking for 2 or more people. I usually use a deep walled cast iron skillet instead of a wok, or use a 10" wok for the vegetables and the cast iron for the protein separately, then combine them when done. It helps to

This looks great for Gmail, but the bulk of my email comes in through Outlook because we have O365. It would be great if there was something like this for Outlook as well.

The last time we got over 2 feet of snow everything was closed for a day. Luckily we have very good snow removal services around here which makes things much easier. I know the southern states don’t always have the best snow clearing services, not to mention plows even!

lol aint that the truth!

Come to WI and see how we do it. The world isn’t ending guys! Although it just might down south from the sound of it. I’ve been driving in snow for 12 years now it really isn’t a big deal.

Folgers, where all our coffee tastes like stale, burnt rubber.

It’s currently 14 degrees here, we are having a heat wave. Got down to -20 wind chill this week. It sucks!

Good for you for taking the initiative and getting a setup ready for your home! I agree, propane/ natural gas is probably the best option as propane has a very long shelf life (does it ever go bad? I would think indefinite as long as the tank holds pressure). They are just not as common around here, and usually

Agreed. I live in WI, I know what cold is! LOL, it got down to -20 F wind chill this yeah. Actually I don’t sell generators, I manage a data center and we have 3 large size generators that I monitor, and I know a lot about generators and electrical systems (I’m by no means a certified electrician). I also

I would say if you had the means to do it then it isn’t that bad of an idea. Which is also why in my comment I mentioned that you can get by with a mid sized portable generator not necessary to have a whole home standby generator. If given the options with unlimited funds, I know which one I would choose though.

This is exactly why all heating methods must be properly vented and also it is a great idea to install a CO detector on all floors of the house.

Standby generators are excellent, but prohibitively expensive unless you can justify the cost if you live in an area with frequent outages. Most people would be better served by a mid-sized portable generator that runs of standard 87 octane petrol. The cost to buy-in is significantly less, and you can choose to just

I’ve had a weird touchscreen bug as well on my new 6S with the newest ios version, and the one prior. Seems to be related to using a third party keyboard in some apps. Example, in Hangouts, I will click on the text field to type a message, but the keyboard will not open up, it will just show the copy/paste menu. I

My car doesn’t have any of this and I’ve never had a problem driving. I refuse to be reliant on all these nanny systems.

I have the Wahl Home Pro trimmer, and while it works great with the longer attachments for trimming my head, or used without any attachments to get really short stubble, it sucks with the #1 length trimmer. I just can’t use it at all. It pulls my beard hair like crazy and hurts to the point that I just get pissed off

I have the Wahl Home Pro trimmer, and while it works great with the longer attachments for trimming my head, or used