- Total Law Enforcement Employees per 100,000 Residents: Full Weight
It’s not gun based at all. In fact, most of the violent crime is based around stats like home invasions, gang related activity, rape, assault, etc. Criminals using guns is just one more statistic they use to get to that number. Not to mention natural disasters account for a significant percentage of potential personal…
Open carry is legal in almost every state. I’m pretty sure I would NOT feel safer walking around NY, Chicago, NJ, or CA than WI. In fact, the only city in WI that is a bit dangerous is Milwaukee, and that is because of the violent gang related activity. I’m never going to Detroit without level 3 armor and several…
They ranked New York as being the number one personal safety state, and IL ranked higher than WI. I know for a fact that NY has a pretty high violent crime rate, in fact I’m pretty sure it is higher than WI. I wouldn’t exactly feel very safe in a lot of areas in New York’s high populated areas. The only unsafe city in…
Yeah I know, I was being pedantic lol. Mostly it’s the carrier’s issue with pushing updates to their user’s phones fast enough.
I blame AT&T lol, although to be honest, they push updates out much faster than Verizon does for the same phones. Definitely going to look at getting a Nexus device next.
I blame AT&T’s crapware :P
Yeah I’ve heard that CM is way faster and better than the Samsung official build. Although sadly it is a company phone and they don’t exactly like people to have custom rom’s on their phones.
Yeah I know. I’m more or less just referring to the fast paced development of things and how it’s nearly impossible to keep everything updated all the time!
After I JUST got Lollipop on my phone recently, they come out with a new version. I’m always behind. I doubt my S4 will get this though. I need to switch to a Nexus device I think. I’m not that impressed with the performance of Lollipop. My phone has slowed to a crawl, even after wiping cache partition and fresh wipe.…
Get the cheapest house you can comfortably afford, in the nicest neighborhood, and negotiate the best price you can get for it. Location is the most important factor. If you think you are saving money right now, try to double that number, because it will take forever to actually save enough for a decent down payment.…
Didn’t lifehacker post something about how to do this a year or two ago, but with an under-the-sink reverse osmosis system instead?
I can’t speak highly enough to having an emergency fund. After loosing a job a while back, you really come to appreciate having a bit of a buffer in savings. Without it, we would have been completely screwed. Make a detailed plan of how much you need to live for 6 months, and add at least a 20% buffer on top of that.…
This is pretty epic. I will have to look for some old pictures of my high school “battle room” from when I was into gaming like crazy. This was almost 10 years ago now, so I had big CRT monitors back then, but I did have a pretty crazy setup, and even a few old servers spread all over the room. And extra space for…
I’m not opposed to experimenting! I love to cook, so I try new recipes and things all the time. Beef prices are pretty high right now, so unless something is on sale at the time, I haven’t been buying as much beef lately. I hope that changes soon. Luckily pork prices aren’t too bad right now.
That was sort of my thoughts as well. It should be voluntary information. But when you get asked for it several times by HR it seems like something isn’t being handled correctly. My manager who I am now working for never asked me this question, but the recruiters and HR both have asked for the information during the…
I’ll have to try that method with the food processor. That sounds amazing.
There was a separate question asking that. I answered the “citizenship status” question no problem. Asking if you are legal to work in the country or if you are a foreign student, or have a green card is totally different than asking if you are black, white, asian, pacific-islander, etc. and I think questions…
I have been asked the question “what is your nationality” before many times. In fact, I didn’t even want to tell them because I thought it was irrelevant. Then the HR department said that it was required information for record keeping purposes. It might be illegal in some states, but I don’t think there is any federal…
I love that you guys re-post this every year. One of my favorite topics discussed here! Food, grilling, and summer holidays. I can’t think of a better time.