Shawn Wayne

Awesome bag. There is just something about quality leather work that exudes elegance and professionalism. I carry all my stuff in a backpack, mostly because my work laptop is a 10 pound beast, so it is must easier on the shoulders. I still haven’t gotten around to posting on here yet for some reason. I might have to

Wisconsin. If you are in Madison, people will flip shit. It is a very politically active city. If you are in basically any other town, it’s perfectly fine. I don’t spend as much time in Madison as I used to, but I still carry concealed all the time. I don’t want to raise any red flags with anyone, even though most

I wish people would say thank you for that to me! Although we can legally open carry here, I have to be careful which city in the state I venture into; some people in certain cities have completely different cultures even in the same state where I live and they will freak out, so concealed it is.

You know that this is impossible to narrow down to just 5 without having people go nuts not seeing their knife listed here right :) Most of the top 5 listed here are great choices. Personally I’ve owned a lot of knives, and my vote would go to either of the Kershaw’s or the Spyderco. Pretty much anything they make

It is definitely not a one-size-fits-all, it is really dependent on needs/wants and intended use, that’s for sure. I don’t think I’d carry the Mora in an office setting, but I’d definitely carry it EDC if my every day was walking around the woods! My Ontario RAT 2 in my “office” edc.

Excellent knife, not sure I’d carry it EDC on my person every day, I consider this more of a bushcraft knife or outdoors knife on a budget. But excellent knife.

VOTE: Ontario Knives RAT 2.

Ouch. Yeah I’m glad I don’t live there. The median income for the county I’m currently in is 34,000.

Sounds like a job for PF Sense! Or Untangle! Or any open firewall you can run on an old desktop.

Where are you located? Is it much higher by you? I mean, there are houses that cost 5 times that here, but the ones I’m looking into are around 150-200k in southern WI.

I did the math and at my current rate of savings, I’ll have enough for a down payment in 11 years. I just moved and sadly there isn’t any places to rent around here that are dog friendly.

I bought a house a few years ago with zero down payment, it was a USDA loan. I took out too much of a mortgage and yes, I was house poor for a few years. Big mistake. Unfortunately, with my income and expenses, it is impossible to actually save any money each month for a down payment of 20% when houses cost around

According to this calculator I should be financially independent in...9,999 years. Right.

These are really the best out there. Screw cotton, this material is where it's at.

These are really the best out there. Screw cotton, this material is where it's at.

The anti gun crowd will tell you that only police should have guns, and citizens should be disarmed. According to what most of everyone on this blog thinks, police should be disarmed as well.

% of your total monthly budget spent on food: I spent about 10% of my budget for food last month. I’m trying to get that down a bit.

I make my smoothies with no fruit juices or added sweeteners. I use fresh or frozen fruits, mixed with coconut milk. That is it usually. It's basically like eating a handful of strawberries, an orange, some blueberries, and whatever else I decide to mix in. Fruit in pureed form is all it is. I don't see anything

I still think the Galaxy S6 was a huge backpedal from the S5. Smaller battery for what reason again? I don’t need higher resolution, I need more battery life. 1080p is more than enough on a 5 inch screen.

Is this the upgrade to the original G5? I have the G5 and I've had it forever. When it dies I'll want to replace it with the new version of it. Not too many fancy buttons that I don't need.

Is this the upgrade to the original G5? I have the G5 and I've had it forever. When it dies I'll want to replace it

I still have the old Logitech G5 that I've had for like 8 or 9 years. It is still going strong. I'll never buy anything other than Logitech.

I still have the old Logitech G5 that I've had for like 8 or 9 years. It is still going strong. I'll never buy