Shawn Wayne

Our bodies prioritize keeping our organs warm, which means our hands and feet are typically the first to feel the brunt of the cold. Protect these extremities by adding a layer or two. While mittens may suffice in mild temperatures, you'll need full out winter gloves (e.g., insulated with wool) to keep your hands warm

One less gadget to have laying around your kitchen that doesn't see much use. Versatility with a knife.

My transportation costs are way higher than that. After I lost my job, I had to go outside of my home area to find a new job, and now I'm commuting 100 miles a day, spending over $400 a month just in gas. After you account for vehicle maintenance, insurance, and car payment, I'm spending about $1,000 a month on my car

I guess the porno cameras are stored along with the guns for obvious reasons. You don't want either to get stolen.

Yep, that is the one I was referring to. Thanks for posting the link again! Everyone who is a home owner should use that calendar as reminders.

Do you guys still have a link to the Lifehacker Home Repair Google Public Calendar? I remember adding this to my Google Calendar a few years ago and it has reminders on routine home maintenance such as cleaning gutters, getting furnace and fireplace inspections and cleanings done, turning off outdoor faucets in the

And this right here is why I keep coming back here! This is all wonderful advice, I'm reviewing each one of these articles that interests me today!

Tip number 6, turn off traction control, the tire spin heats up the snow below you, melting it so you get footing on the pavement.

I use trail braking in the snow when driving through deep snow sometimes where i need to stop one of the tires from spinning too much at low speeds. Hit the brakes too much and you come to a complete stop and lose all momentum though.

That detail I'm not so sure of. All I know is that, yes these cars are actually pretty rare to see in decent shape no matter what version. They are all either taxis or police cruisers, so seeing a civilian owned one is pretty rare.

Gotcha, yeah I never see a 9-4x either.

All the old people around here drive those and the Mercury equivalent. They are usually in pretty decent shape since they hardly ever go above 60mph.

I know at least 3 people with a 9-7X. Not as rare as you would think.

Yep, that looks exactly like a Frontier.

I would have to say pretty much any Suzuki in the US market. I hardly ever see those. Even more rare is a bone stock Mitsu Evo. I see STI's all the time, but never an Evo.

I see the convertible version of that car at least once a week around here. People sure like their Poniac's around here. Everyone in my home town drives either a Grand Am or a Grand Prix. It's like a weird little Pontiac town from hell.

Join the club. Between being sole income for my family, being unemployed for several months, and moving half way across the state, I've had to put my loans on hold for the last 6 months since I can't afford to pay for other things besides the two places I'm living at currently. I can't wait til my house sells, it's

According to this list, at the current monthly rate that I'm paying my student loans off at, I'll have it paid off in 20 years. Wonderful.

Hey fellow guy from Madison, I know that feeling! I didn't have a rwd car living there, but for the first few years living there I had a Passat, not that great in winter around here, and the roads in these south central Wisconsin counties are terrible at being plowed properly. Lets just say, after I got the chance, I

After another hour or more parked, they finally cleared it and I was back running. I finally pulled in my driveway 23 hours after I left and 23 hours before I'd have to turn around and make the drive back."