Shawn Wayne

So much this! See my long winded reply I just posted regarding this same thing. Kids need to learn to play, socialize, cook, balance a budget, and just have fun being kids! Too much structure and test test test if you ask me.

Oh boy, isn't this a fun topic of discussion. Melanie, I commend you for bringing this content balanced and showing pros and cons and that this isn't completely one-sided (like other Gawker sites which I shall not name ;) ) and thank you for showing resources that can help students and parents.

Yikes! Detroit is a rough city! Come back from vacation, find house stripped. Oh at least the TV is still here, but where did my copper and other precious metals go? LOL. Copper is damn expensive right now.

I guess it's a good thing I drink my red wine every night and skip the munchies later on in the evening! Everything balances out :D Everything in moderation.

What a load of BS. Just can't take defeat I guess. America voted and guess what, I'm 25 and I voted and I voted for who won, so does that make me and old white guy? No. This is the most one-sided BS story I've read. Not all of your readers agree with your sentiments. Perhaps you should be a bit less biased and more

Oh wow, so many great choices. I'm still trying to decide between both of the Hario models. I'm leaning more towards the slim now, because I've heard that it produces a more consistent grind than the Skerton, even though it holds less ground coffee. It's a tossup between those two for me being on a budget. The wife

The scariest time on the road for me was when I was driving my first car I bought in high school. You can probably see where this is going. I considered myself a pretty safe driver for the time, I didn't do any crazy street racing or anything nuts like some of my friends did back in the day. No, this was on a snowy

Hooray, only 325 years to go!

If I am only going to grind for brewing 1-4 cups at a time, would capacity matter for either of these? That's only about; what, 80 grams / 8 tablespoons or so at a time at the most? Does one have a more uniform grind over the other? I would be more inclined to go with the mini/slim just due to the fact that you say it

You make a good point. My hardwood floors don't have any stain at all, just their natural color and sealed with a glossy 3 thick layers of polyurethane. I have a few scratches in a corner that are pretty minor from a chair that slid across the floor in one place, so I'll have to try your suggestion. Thanks for the

I stay away from those grinders as well. I just have a cheap blade grinder that has gotten me here so far, and now it is time for an upgrade. Some of the Hario manual grinders look very appealing for the price range I'm looking at. There are many in that line to choose from, just not sure what the pro's and con's are

I've seen 3 different Hario models listed here so far. Does anyone know what the pros and cons are of each of them and which one they would choose over the other and why?

I was really hoping someone would offer up an inexpensive option on this list! This, and the Hario Mini below it are both options. I need to get a burr grinder I'm still stuck with a cheap blade grinder. It does the job and it's better than nothing, but it's time to upgrade. Not sure what the difference is between

I totally get what you are saying, and believe me I am the last one to want to waste time in a car stuck in traffic and spend unnecessary money on a big expensive car (I have a tiny used car just fyi) but I have 80 miles round trip to work and our city doesn't have public transport that goes anywhere near my house. So

This is why I always use an air compressor to clean out a PC. Never vacuum.

Wow that is terrible! I thought I was in bad shape right now, but it sounds like the MI market is worse off than here! Also, one thing people don't realize is the pain it takes to try to sell a home that you own, whereas with a rental you can walk away once the lease is over. I've had my home on the market for 7

It's always cheaper in that area of the state. Eastern WI I saw it for 3.19 yet. Madison is usually around 30 cents cheaper.

A lot of people will say the older EJ22 was the most reliable engine ever built by Subaru. My EJ253 doesn't have the headgasket problem anymore. At least not from what I can tell from others. I haven't had any issues yet.

I've never had issues with mine. Then again, I have a later model Legacy, but I have heard that head gaskets are a problem with the earlier generation of the 2.5i.

This is exactly what I was thinking. I'm not really sure how that is on the list higher up than a Forester. This makes no sense to me.