
The preview does not do this movie justice.

For a mediocre film, I thought Oblivion's sound design was awesome.

No.... Max.

Sortland had a blanket, a cell phone and a box of Wheat Thins with him.

There's a GIANT difference between the way a brushless and non brushless tool works and even feels....

Confirming the long held belief that she is dead.

what's the point in this if you already have a smart tv?

aaaaaaaand we're back to piracy.

But they already stopped Hitler. Then they had to come back and stop Hitler II!! He was waaaaay worse so they stopped themselves from stopping Hitler.

Assuming that the person who leaves is telling a fact of at least one of them having green eyes, logically they would all wait until no one else left until they realized that they would have to leave baed on the number of people who now realize they have green eyes, at which point they would all leave at the same

but they already know the pilot crashed the plane in the middle of nowhere. He was suicidal. He planned it out on his flight sim.

I know what happened.

What in the actual fuck is this heresy?

It sounds like Wozniak or Apple needs to write this guy a check. That or he needs to start cooking meth.

These are not the dirts you're looking for.

GIZMODO: A number of Apple owners have reported problems with their phones bending.

your body can experience it now. It depends if you can hold your breath that long.

yes. The amount if atmospheres will be the same. The total amount of pressure is greatly affected.