
We're writing for Gizmodo now! Who do we talk to about getting this direct deposit set up?

Can I write for Gizmodo? Seriously...... actually, yes, I can write for Gizmodo. Here's a great explosm comic!

I'm great at making an article out of a pre-written fact sheet! I want to write for gizmodo. When can I start?

It's going to be more space... just like on this side of it.

This puts a box-cutter to shame.

To try and compare science with religion is like trying to compare a dog with a pair of scissors. They're not related in the slightest. It's not that I think religion is wrong, but it's that it shouldn't be taught in place of science. I personally believe religion is wrong, but that's not what I'm saying. If we

No. Creationism is for idiots who don't believe in Science. It's like, you cherry pick what you want from Science, except when it comes to the church part.

Actually... Aliens are a much more plausible answer than god. Zeus is a god also... and so is hercules. What a retard. Of course there is internet outrage. There should be.

Actually, it does mean you're a moron. This show is awesome. If you don't like it, most likely you're a stupid person. Statistics don't lie.

So..... they don't get power from wifi....... who the fuck cares?

Perhaps it's because you're a moron. Go watch your Friends dvd.

How do you make sex with it?

This is what AAPL gets for being sue-happy. Notice I used the stock symbol.... which is going down faster than a midget hooker as a result of their lawsuit orgy.

So he's orders custom bricks from different people other than lego, to make this stuff? Man, impressive.... Actually, seriously, the WWII scene is pretty badass.

Jesus is coming soon, so our sun won't ever get to that point.

Slow news day Jesus?

START WRITING BETTER SHIT GIZMODO!!!!! What's next? Ever met a girl on eharmony that wasn't what she appeared to be in pictures?

Yes, I am actually.... I put on a lot of weight, grew a dick/beard combo. I figured it was time to move on.

Just? Come on gizmodo.... when are you going to start writing good articles again?