
I was considering this a few days ago when reading a story on the cellulose digester that creates isobutanol. After the process is done there must be some sort of solids or liquids left over. The waste product for those could still be useful.

#1 Create Device with proprietary port

Stop. You're making me hungry. Seriously.

My "must haves" on a per-packet basis are some green bell pepper, an egg (beaten), and a single slice of american cheese (cheaper varieties dissolve better). This was how it was served to me in S. Korea when I lived there in '86.

They patented text selection? As in "cut and paste" type stuff?

sure just run an extension cord from the nearest powerplant that isn't melting down and wasn't damaged by the quake and the giant wave of death. Then string that line over a ruined landscape with all the poles fallen over and debris littering the countryside. Simple.

It most certainly is xeriscaping. The two shrubs in the front require almost no additional water in the Vegas valley, which gets about 3" per year of rainfall. I had several of them in my yard in Las Vegas when I lived there.

This morning, NPR was reporting on Chernobyl and drawing direct comparisons to the Japanese reactors. I'm usually a fan of NPR reporting but this was pretty awful. No one came on to explain that Chernobyl lacked a containment vessel. The discussion covered how many miles of farmland would be ruined for hundreds of

There are rumblings about networks withholding quality shows from Netflix over fears that the service will do to TV/Movies what iTunes did to music. If this is true, then Netflix needs to take steps to insure they continue to get quality programming or they will go out of business.

Wouldn't it be the other way around with cutting corners? A reactor design to withstand a 7.5 couldn't handle a 6.9 without problems seems like "corner cutting". Since the Richter scale is base-10 logarithmic, a reactor that withstands a 9.0 is far better constructed than one designed for a 7.5. Or, to put it in

Having grown this type of cactus in Nevada, I can tell you that it isn't quite so simple. Opuntia Indica (Prickly Pear Cactus) is prone to some pests, including mealy bugs, that can be quite difficult to eradicate and can destroy a crop. The tiny hair-like thorns can really ruin your day if you get one in your

The citizens of Florida went so far as to pass a constitutional amendment to get that rail line built. Governor Jeb Bush (W's brother) was very unhappy about that. So he had a new amendment put on the ballet that repealed it. The citizenry had to vote *against* the rail line to keep it, which confused a lot of Sodomy laws, anti-gay marriage laws, anti-adoption laws, etc. These are examples of religious beliefs backed by the force of the state. Your beliefs. Except I keep tripping over your beliefs in my bedroom. What are your beliefs doing in my bedroom?!

@Keilwerth—LA: People can only be bigots because of a belief. You aren't born a bigot, for example.

@Doppelmayer: Housecats kill far more birds than wind turbines do.

@badasscat: Well, there's a lot to be said for not having to remember the secret link path to get to the next episode, nor having to surf multiple websites looking for new content. I just want to watch TV, not go on an internet scavenger hunt looking for my content.

@2 replies: Because Google is an ad company that displays ads with the free search results. This is how it makes money. As long as the Google ads that come with the search results are also displayed, I wouldn't see a big deal. But they aren't, so I do.

@hbuzzell: "veggie meat substitutes" is another way of saying "fillers and extenders" which is the basis for the claim being made against them.

@TheClap: I heard a star around the belly button meant "porn star."