Algernop Kreiger

You can.

sadly the doctor was invented and that was the end of that ;p

they developed for XBLA because being a indie company is hard to test on an extremely open system like pc. with a few minor exceptions the hardware for Xbox is generaly the same so you dont have to test as much.

hmmm i wonder why the pod wasn't given a noob ship and some complementary tritanium when it landed back to earth

ignoring doomdash's comment. LOL is a great game to get into. mostly because of how easy it is to set up a team with your friends and play. I'm not gonna lie to ya, you are gonna get your ass kicked for the first few rounds, even by the bots. The trick is to find a character that you'll like and figuring out how

in the words of juri. "Whatever..."

a petition with over 40 thousand signatures - vocal minority.

whats funny is that i will buy it if its a 1 or a 2 cause i want to know how bad that is....

too be honest if this is the case then i would humbly apologize for the various things ive said about that ending cause i think that is awesome. it would be like receiving hay as a Christmas present at first your like WTF but then your parents tell you that its to feed the hoarse they got you that's out back.

from what you've said so far, i can gather that mech games arn't really for you.

totaly missed that

10 seconds before, the clouds opened up for god to say something, and just when he was about to you interrupted him... that's how awesome your comment is.

this article is kind of flawed. black ops is in large a xbox game. while Battlefield 3 is in large a pc game. so of coarse more people are playing black ops on xbox live

i didnt think it was all that bad of a game..

oh damn now im covered in bug bites cause i removed my "screen" door

i would do this if i hadn't spent my gaming budget on that 2k games sale and well... portal 2