@Graymulligan: very good point
@Graymulligan: very good point
@scofield0808: simple answer from a wasteful person.... If someone can buy it, why wouldent you sell it?
@King of Madness!: i remember that commercial, it made me want a gneiss so bad. Im still glad to this day that my parents bought the snes
@Zanzan42: ITS PEOPLE
@sid9221: seriously great idea!!! a very safe way of disarming a tank with minimal collateral damage
@Bobzination11: I guess that would be ok if i had a paper or wood key, but most of us use metal ones
@Wolf_Dog: # years is a long time for computrer hacking... all that was lost was money, no lives, no one was hurt... now people put way to much energy in to loving their games.
sweet now i can have a few golf balls, and hlaf the bottom of the water hazard
@thenewperson: ahh this is the exact same way as android does their notification... i was a 3+ year user of iphones, and dint want a data plan.. so i went through 3 years of data notifications being blurted at me id text message.
I just paid 500 dollars for an unlocked xperia play , and i think its worth every dollar. blows the iphone out of the water , (3 year apple user, newby android lover)
@Spartanical: theres so much to this world than that...... go save you next 2 cell phones worth of money, buy a cheep motorcycle, and cruise around this fair world of ours (out of the city, far away from 3g network, or even edge) and see just how entertaining life can be without internet, and smartphone. its…
@siwex80: I know a little about how apple works.. and lets just say, they are a shameless, wasteful company that like to convince people that they are green and conservative..... lets just say that i can almost guarantee that those were the parts from the old white iphone 4's that they were supposed to realease before…
@Rachel Fogg: i remember that cloud shirt... i thought i was so cool for waiting in line for a new game, i wore the shirt to school the next day.. only to find out that most of my peers thought FF was for fatties with no life
companies have top pay taxes on prophits, but can avoid doing so by purchasing and claiming meals/gear/tech for their companies.... i bought an ipad ;last year for my teaching business and i use it fo work all the time
@_Snow: sorry buddy, we all don't have the eyes of a 50 year old. my iphone 4 is amazing, and i can handle denser pixel counts... at least for the next 10-15 years
@Shakespeare: no ff 13 with the girl the had the "everything accent" was the best
@TheAdAgency: first good comment on this board... some people see an asshole company, i see someone who wants to make it challeging to go the cheep route... not exactly cool, but i can deal
@WildWon: beat the game, and thats probably the hardest part of it. requires such precise shield charging