Clever lead in picture. I almost view that as forshadowing with him blowing his brains out.
Clever lead in picture. I almost view that as forshadowing with him blowing his brains out.
You’re dumb man. It’s as clear as my Tiffany crystal champagne flutes. Please keep embarrassing yourself.
Your way right away asshole!!
Read all your replies. You clearly don’t understand how food manufacturers or how economies of scale works.
That’s actually not true. I’m not going to get into the specifics but account credentials are a lot different than storage level encryption. A smoking gun in this situation would not yield the entire information set.
Just sayin’. Probable doubt. On the other hand I am sure that by virtue of having a non governmental domain for email is illegal for official business.
While I don’t support the current administration, it is entirely possible they aren using a system to filter mail for malicious content like malware, viruses, phishing, spam etc...
I don’t understand,
Oh boo whoooo you don’t understand how allocations work. It would be stupid for a company to allocate ALL units to Pre order. Just basic business sense. It would be about as stupid as your comment.
Oh boo whoooo you don’t understand how allocations work. It would be stupid for a company to allocate ALL units to Pre order. Just basic business sense. It would be about as stupid as your comment.
Wow you are stupid and don’t understand how business allocations work! Grow up! Learn!
I have two kids. Youngest one is 2 now older one is a couple years older
For me it’s the protectors from 5th Element
Your comment is easily the most annoying.
I was thinking more
Shut the fuck up already with your “from what I’ve heard” bullshit.
I’m just gonna say it. You are an idiot.
Really? You are making a lot of assumptions there, your inexperience in this area is showing.
Did you even read? They were NOT SCHEDULED TRADES.