
Great article. As a life-long gamer this entire #GamerGate non-sense has really turned me off from the community has a whole. It's disgusting and terrible. Video games are supposed to be an escape and they should be an escape for anyone. There is so much hate towards minorities in women. Gone Home was one of the best

wait... you're like an actual fan of her music/lyrics? lol. i mean i'm not a huge rap fan but.... lol.

Uh. I think you are kind of missing the point. People dont hate her because shes gimmicky. People hate her because shes racist as fuck.

"I hope you get Ebola. I hope you die. You are a fucking cunt!"

As a fellow Australian the only thing I have to say is that we do not necessarily consider this much of an insult.

Yeah, the Hulk Hogan thing was pretty shitty of Gawker. I agree that it's really not okay for them to have done that. But Jezebel and Gawker have different editors; despite what people may believe, Gawker isn't a monolithic entity run by one person.

Yeah, that's a pretty shitty comparison. One is a religion that wasn't founded on violence, the other is a group founded on the sole principle that women are horrible and should be vilified.

I love the taste of irony though...

Right, if you want an example that gamergate is nothing more than misogynist propoganda, look no further than Christina Hoff Sommer's infuriating video, defending "gamers" and attacking women. When a right wing think tank takes your side, it's time to rethink your entire fucking life.

The moment that video was posted,

But Islam was around before terrorists. These people have always been with gamer-gate and they were likely one of the main driving forces behind its inception. I mean, nothing fuels a movement like some good old fashioned passionate hatred.

Well she said ""I was literally watching 8chan go after me in their specific chatroom for Gamergate," she told Kotaku today. "They posted my address, and within moments I got that death threat." - so.. That pretty much answers why she thinks it's related.

What the fuck is wrong with you people.

I love this picture...

Gamergate might be taken a more seriously if they ditched the banner that all these trolls and psychopaths are hiding under with them. Jim Sterling has it right.

? You've been reading selectively then. Kotaku specifically have mentioned journalistic ethics on multiple occasions since this all blew up. Some of the things GG (and milo) are obsessing over would make for ridiculous stories anyway. XD

Go on guys, tell me again how the whole MRA movement is just "people voicing their opinions". Go on, do it.

basically, it was completely made up nonsense that has given future wife-beaters the digital world over an excuse to bust out a hastag. the gawker main-page article summarizes the main points nicely and is in-line with my observations over the last couple months.

I think The Verge finally hit the nail on the head by calling out GamerGate for what it is: a right-wing movement. Adam Baldwin, an outspoken conservative, coining the hashtag that people use to harass women, or cite and other right-wing pundits, or post videos of conservative think tanks like American

I hope they catch the fucker. It looks like the EXACT SAME person targeted a GamerGate female a few weeks ago, as well. I'd post the screenshot, but don't want to upset people, tbh.

Okay, seriously. What in the actual fuck, folks?

I teach English at the college level; last year, I was privileged to teach ENG 230, which at my institution is a rotating (through the faculty) course that is generously labeled "Special Topics in Literature."

I taught my course, for two semesters, as "Gaming: Literary