At least she died doing what she loved.
At least she died doing what she loved.
I'm so sick of the "obviously you don't see the humor in it" defense. No, I see you were trying to make a joke - I just didn't think it was funny.
WARNING: This is an angry rant!
What I'm so tired of is when a person or group of people spouts racist, fatphobic, misogynistic, transphobic or homophobic crap like they're being SUBVERSIVE and EDGY because they think it's fucking cool or something.
No. You're just like 90% of the rest of the world. You're a tired old…
I completely feel you on this. Unfollowing Ricky Gervais was a sad moment, but it had to be done. I worry sometimes about losing Patton Oswalt this way, but then he usually comes back around.
Maybe we should stop putting celebrities on pedestal and acting like they don't spew shit out of their mouths like normal humans. Most aren't saints like Patrick Stewart, Hiddles, and Ian McKellem and i'm sure if we dig far enough we can find something bad from their pasts to knock them down to earth with.
To everyone saying it is just a joke: That's the point.
Troll detected.
Great self-promotion piece, but no. You're massively oversimplifying, while also ignoring important factors like "it's Youtube" and "his audience is infinitely bigger".
Comments are a reflection of many things, when taken individually, including but absolutely not limited to the content itself.
But he's stifling debate and valid critisicm! He's censoring valuable, educated, well-reasoned contributions to the discussion! One side is being heard and the other silenced! Rabble rabble rabble!
You're not helping.
My Facebook feed would suggest that lack of anonymity isn't the only solution.
inb4 gamers rationalize their use of hateful/ harassing speech
Don't ask for "GAMERS" to change... Lead by example... "Developers"....
this song is really sexist and offensive with women as wall decoration. Your a disgusting pig for listing to it and worst then hillter for spreading such filth.
God fucking dammit. Never posted on Kotaku before, but this lack of controversy has sufficiently irritated me enough to have to editorialize.
Fuck. This. Noise.
I didn't even know of this woman an hour ago, and i'm already sick of her shit. I read her tweet where she showed the "death threats" she got, and it's a…
I think it's important to let people speak their mind, man. Taking away people's words doesn't make anyone feel better.
You aren't missing anything. I keep getting the feeling that the people involved on either side of whatever this argument is think that this is some grand debate they're having, when it's really just a giant shouting match where no one is really listening to each other, taking place in a bubble - a tiny,…
Psst: no sentence that starts with "real gamers are" is a good idea
Gamers really are the worst though. We're one of the worst fan bases of any genre or industry in all of fandom and we seemingly came out of no where 30 some years ago. Forget the movie and music freaks, we are literally the worst.