Kit the Cat

Evangelicals love him but he actually is struggling a LOT with Catholics and Mormons precisely because of shit like this

Cameron Crowe approves of this casting choice

disagree, Tristan would vote Gary Johnson, Logan would vote Hillary, Dean would vote Trump, and Jess would vote Jill Stein

this is maybe controversial but I don’t care if they flesh out the men? Rory could have a husband who was only slightly more than background scenery (see: Max Medina) and I would be okay with that. I always preferred the storylines between the women (especially between Emily and Lorelai) to the romance ones anyway,

And Thora Birch’d if no one reigns in her father

But with Evan McMullin you get a surprise VP! How fun! (On the 9 states he’s currently on the ballot he has listed Nathan Johnson as his VP, who may or may not be his actual VP and also no one knows who the fuck Nathan Johnson is)

I also liked Jerry Springer’s tweet

That day is a long way away, especially if Chuck Schumer replaces Harry Reid

I got a pheasant which seems really lame but my best friend loves to tell me that I both look like and practically am a baby ostrich which is closeish so maybe the quiz was accurate??

no, he’s actively campaigned for Hillary. He said in an interview that he thought America could survive a Trump presidency (that we were “resilient”) and right wing nutos took that as an endorsement and ran with it

While I’m very happy for JLD (who I think is incredible), I’m still bitter about Rachel Bloom not getting nominated for best actress.

yeah, him and his wife are both second gen scientologists, which I would imagine would make it even harder to leave the church

but also lol at the idea he couldn’t afford it because after Bushwick he moved to Park Slope (I only know this because he got kicked out of the food coop which is my favorite celebrity anecdote)

Tomorrow is September 11th and I’m in Oregon. I grew up in New York and moved here three years ago and every year I struggle with the fact that no one here seems to remember or care? I dunno, I guess I’m still used to the city where 8 million of us mourn together every year

“I hear how hard it is for parents to raise children in today’s media environment”

Um Donald, I know he’s not as attractive as Ivanka but you do have a 10 year old child

I mean Ben Carson did all those things too, and look at him

agreed, it seems logistically complicated? but that might speak more to my tendency to overplan things

He may have gotten more conservative as he got older, but the sex tape thing with a sixteen year old happened while he was campaigning for Dukakis

When I was like 9 my parents decided I was finally grown up enough to light the Chanukah candles on my own so on the last night I was going down the line lighting them and furiously trying to remember the words to the prayer (we’re more jew-ish than jewish) when my mom started screaming and I realized that something

Looking for advice from anyone kind enough to give it and willing to read through a very long backstory:

So, two years ago there was a boy and we had chemistry immediately, he was cute and smart and a dork in the best way. We started seeing each other very regularly, like every other day or so regularly but we never