I know Jewess is technically a slur but I kind of like it, it makes me feel fancy
I know Jewess is technically a slur but I kind of like it, it makes me feel fancy
I find it really frustrating that even in spaces where people are willing to talk about the allegations, it’s really only female stars who get heat for working with him. Yes, what KStew said was awful and narcissistic and dumb but she is the only one in this movie who was asked about it. No one is angry at Jesse…
you can discriminate against any gender, it’s sexism that only applies to women because sexism refers to the systemic disadvantage women face while discrimination refers to an individual’s actions. It’s semantic but it matters when you’re talking about legal issues like title ix. Harvard would lose its federal funding…
dude makes bank at concerts, his target demo is upper middle class white people and tours pretty much nonstop
The two Nick Broomfield documentaries on her are SO good and SO sad, like honestly I totally understand how she got to the serial killing thing after being sexually and physically abused all her life
If you’re digging into the Disney vault, show your kids Kim Possible! And The Proud Family! And Lizzie McGuire! Older Disney shows are leagues above what’s currently on, and HM was the tail end of that
He wouldn’t have. Cruz actually isn’t that unusual of a candidate, he’s perfectly in tune with other religious nuts who tend to win Iowa and a few other states before burning out (see: Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, ect). I actually think the Trumpening has helped Cruz by making him seem like a viable alternative to…
And cigarettes. And ferrets.
re: Albert Brooks’ tweet, someone commented the exact same thing on a fivethirtyeight article nearly a week ago. it could totally be a coincidence, but it also doesn’t seem that farfetched that he reads fivethirtyeight?
This oddly reminds me of the Damn I Wish I Was Your Lover video
rape cases are incredibly hard to prosecute under the American legal system because we work under a “without reasonable doubt” evidentiary standard, so the idea of being able to bring something like this to the college administration is that colleges generally (always?) work under a “more likely than not” evidentiary…
One of my professors invites his jewish students to the seder at his house every year and last year a friend and I showed up expecting it to be like this (we both come from super-lax ultra-reform secular atheist jewish families and also go to one of the least religious schools in the country) and we were the only…
I have a question that might not go over well, but here goes: if someone truly believes that life starts at conception (which for the record, I don’t and I think is a dumb argument - it’s not a person until it can live on its own outside the womb) why would you make exceptions for rape and incest? like if you think…
And Keith Richards
I mean in fairness she’s only a republican voter because the obama campaign turned down her endorsement in 2008
my kindergarten teacher got married in a tye-dyed dress
I think this is a joke but also I would probably watch? Anne Beilor is a really interesting woman, she was raised amish and only had up to a ninth grade education but still managed to create a multimillion dollar company, I mean she’s a republican but at least she actually lived the bootstraps manifesto they all love…
Pan Am was SO underrated. In my policy class we were talking about the deregulation of the airline industry and I went off on a rant (afterwards, not during, I am not an asshole) about that show and no one I was talking to had ever heard of it.
For people supposedly interested in protecting privacy, they are awfully concerned with what a bunch of children have in their pants
I also go to Reed and concur with this assessment