
Thanks; I’ll check it out. It might be a good addition to my visual construction of race class next spring.

Aww, thanks! I think we’re all trying to figure this out.

This is too long, but I have Thoughts. (I’m in the greys though, so no one will see this anyway).

Most of the Jewish women I know still opt out of the baby shower, either out of superstition or (like us) because we really didn’t want stuff (you can furnish an infant pretty easily on very little). A few have made exceptions for small parties at work and the like, and of course there are many Jewish families who

Yes. A parasite. Which you have the right to dispose of.

How many times can I agree with this?

Fucking ovaries. Mine keep saying have more kids. I ignored them after three. And helped myself to cookies.

Damn. My little princesses don’t have potty mouths (tm). No cookies for any of us?

Can I have a cookie just because? I love cookies.

Gobble gobble gobble gobble. (I just made a supercut of all uses of that scene — including the one in OITNB) for my class in the fall.)

Yes. Agreed. Good on you, sir, I say. Good on you.

Nope. I did not know. It’s because I was ignoring this movie because it looks bad, but now I will ignore it because it is stupid and offensive. I’m sure it cares. Carry on, world.

My theory is that because we have earlier legal drinking ages, we didn’t need frats to provide the space for alcohol consumption and general gross insanity.

John Stewart, I’m going to miss you so much. (We would have made a great team — sniff — and we agree on basically everything.)

I totally read that as “your penis is literally filled with inboxes.” I’d kind of like to see that.

I invoke thee! Please, no!

Well, now you know: if you have a service done in Philly, bring cash. It’s not complicated. And in general, I think it’s considered good form to give most tips in cash anyway, so that the worker takes more money home at the end of the day. Apparently (based on what I’ve read on Jez/Kitchenette that’s not always the


Could be. Though I think the piece about giving it directly to your technician does indicate some commitment to their autonomy. I might be naive. Though, based on the NYTimes article, the general cost of salons in Philly as opposed to New York, the difference in the worker population, and the lack of concentration of

Sure. And follow the tax laws that insist you pay income tax on anyone who does over something like $1800 of work for you in a year. Annoying as hell and expensive, but protects workers significantly in the long run from abuse. Unless they are undocumented...but they are the most vulnerable population most in need of