
ya leave me alone ya got cocksuckers

finally, a truly great episode.

too much cocaine. but they were always kind of shit. you just happened to like shit.

i will kill myself before i let this happen to me. but future generations won't.

nolans movies are better when you watch them a second time having shattered your expectations. but in this case it lived up to my expectations and it was actually something decent from someone who has been on the decline since the prestige. im glad it's not another movie where he hinges the entire thing on a big

ya thats the spirit

ahh the old armchair genius throws out the same tired two bit phrase again. its not sunk cost fallacy. i am interested in the story, just not in the filler. my investment has kept me interested and i find it hard to abandon despite knowing how much of my time is being wasted. speaking of which wtf am i writing on here

because ive invested far more than 5 minutes

i forgot how much nothing can happen in 1 hour of television. i can't wait for this show to be over.

if people hate that movie 10 years later they are hating themselves 10 years ago. the part of them that felt something from a movie. feeling embarrassed and silly for getting emotionally caught up in something they grew off of and have now taken for granted and abandoned. but this is all in response to what? some

fidget spinners, just another fucking useless thing in a long line of fucking useless things that kids fuck around with to avoid focusing on the future of the pain they'll have to avoid with drugs

hahaha what a load of beautiful bullshit

i thought of that but when i do eventually get a switch i'd have to buy the game again

would love to play zelda if only i could buy a fucking switch anywhere. fucking nintendo.

you're not totally wrong but if you are interested in being taken seriously and not completely wasting your own time when putting your ramblings on the internet try not to stay stupid shit like "safe zone" or represent yourself as a big turd like you are doing.

has avclub gone to shit? it sure feels like it

it's trying to evoke a reaction. whether or not it's classic "outrage" it's trying to stir up something yes quite plainly.

it's trying to evoke a reaction. whether or not it's classic "outrage" it's trying to stir up something yes quite plainly.

it's strange timing that you ask that because this article is basically demanding it of us.