Sharon Houston

Not "Miss Hollywood Producer Lady." Please read my post that's further down in the comments section in response to the original Priceonomics article's author, Alex.

They are real cases and real people. See my long post in a previous thread that is a response to the author of the original article on Priceonomics. Also, read the Priceonomics article (the original article) that's linked in the AV Club article. There are shows that are completely fake and it's noted at the end of the

I'm not a "he" nor am I an elitist.

Not true. Most audiences in L.A., court show or otherwise, are provided by companies who just provide audience for live shows. Some are there because they're fans of the show but the majority there are paid audience extras.

Not fake. See my post in an above thread and read the original article on Priceonomics, which is linked in the AV Club article.

Thanks for posting this, Alex. I just want this to be clear: the cases are not fake. The show isn't fake. The claims were filed in a small claims court. Researchers sent the claims to the show, producers make calls or send out letters to potential litigants (see the article for an example of a letter), then we'll see

That is me.