
I think there’s some real confusion going on in this article and, then not shockingly, in the comments below. In Tibetan Buddhism, any sex that’s not straight up generic sex meant for creating a new life is considered misconduct. That’s for everyone, and it’s rooted in many things, not the least of which is the idea

I like to point out the recent massacres of Muslims committed by Buddhists in Burma as a way to blow “lol religion of peace” morons’ minds.

Yeah, but a LOT of people think of Buddhism as an enlightened exception. This is a reminder that it really isn’t.

I can’t watch the video but the part about attractiveness seems a bit like a dad joke gone wrong. Like “of course she’d have to be pretty! After all, the only reason I’ve done so well is because of how hot I am!” *dad chuckle*

It’s almost like he’s just a person and not imbued with the spirit of a random god.

All major religions are fucked up patriarchies! Just a reminder.