
Brilliant well put.

Think quantum mechanically. A supraconscious collapsing wave functions at the quantum level is "obeying" the laws of the universe as the being interacts with our four dimensional spacetime. But of course, multiple dimensions exist sub-atomically so what is "interaction and intervention" for God still looks like a

That's just silly. Of course there's a Santa Claus. And all I ever wanted as a lightsabre.

Well done Mikeness. Both understandings of the world are perfectly reconcilable. In fact they are, if form drained from the invested fears and prejudices of both camps, auto-referencing. The maddening thing I've always felt about atheists is them wearing like a badge of honour this pronouncement, there is no God.

I'd like to politely assert that your use of Occam's Razor is misguided here. If you two went exploring caves and found some scratches in the wall that you decreed were man-made depictions of humans hunting animals; but Mikeness replied, ""Sily OgilvyTheAstronomer, those are simply naturally occurring variations in

Geez. I was thinking roughly the same thing. "While only a few white people are hookers, mostly they have kick ass bikes and can be doctors who help pregnant Hispanics and occasionally get a nod from really scary tough black people who live on the streets."

Per your own usage, which I'll assume was selected for (brilliant) comedic effect, for me it was offered as more of a colloquialism rather than an explicit description of incredulity. That said, I persist, in my lack of understanding, however pluralistic our society gets, to grasp why someone would wrap an Aston

THe following comment is pure data mining, but I'll proffer it nevertheless: Makes sense, evolution has hardwired men to be more concerned about bad experiences so that they aren't repeated (like that time when Neanderthal Grog got impaled by the tusk of a wooly mammoth) so as to help not repeat them; and hence why

I actually have never understood people buying a beautiful gadget, be it an iPhone, MBA or otherwise only to cover it up with (often the cheapest) plastic or silicon made case. That said, Sir Ive has the ability to get unlimited access to new devices if he drops his, so he act with far more disregard to the perils

DuckDuckGo. Plus it's brilliantly fun to say.

Wesley Crusher is a 14-year retired Marine??

I've used many an iOS calendar app and Agenda by far is the best. Clean, simple and free from bloat. Which for me is what sullied Calvetica. The only thing I wish they'd do better in Agenda is an improved landscape view.

Gawd, who are all the haters? This is a surprisingly affecting video. One of the best I've watched in recent memory. Brilliant job, Madeline.

I'm glad your comment was top of the list so far. I agree. US GDP is about $14.6 trillion; as such I find it hard to believe that 9% of US economic output was handsets alone. …Unless he's talking global purchases. Not sure. Anyhoo, like you, I'm dubious.

Well, my good man: No GOOD theist has ever gone to war with scientists, either. And therein is my burning issue with atheists and theists alike: This pious and naive compunction to prove what is unprovable for reasons of bias and prejudice cloaked on one hand in scientific rigour and the other in religious absolutism.

"Because you know what? The VAST majority of religious people are far less respectful of science than scientific people are of religion." Because you have interviewed people in a scientific and controlled method to arrive at this un-emotional, perfectly unbiased statement. Good God. Please tell me how ironical and

Do we in the west take into account the histories and tragedies of the east or Asia in our architecture?

I do I "Like" this comment?

As a finance fella, and as rjacobson alluded to, we know Apple stock has had many dilutive events along the way. And during the Scully era—the dark times—it is likely Wayne would have sold off a significant portion of his shares, as did the Steves. It's however reasonable to say that he traded billions, for $800. But

How is Apple screwing NYC??? If there were so many other options available to the MTA, I'm sure they would've taken any one of them. I love Gizmodo, but this is a rather rubbishy post.