
I think that’s actually an eye thing, much like Kellyanne in that debate from earlier. Maybe the contradiction from being a woman supporting the Trump administration gives you a permanent eye-twitch?

My opinion as someone studying (christian) theology: No.

It’s a problem that traces its roots to the American educational system and thus requires a long-term solution involving a radical overhaul of how Americans are taught to think.

Okay, this is petty and off-topic, but HOLY FUCK CAN THESE PEOPLE LEARN TO PUT ON THEIR FUCKING EYELASHES!! God, better to have your piddly little god-given lashes than one half drooping off making you look all drugged up. Kelly-Ann Conway also had an issue with this recently and it was all I could see. One was coming

I read shit like this and think every house in America needs to be tested for lead in the water because I can’t imagine people could be so stupid without an explanation.

I’m super fed up with facts not mattering. That everyone deserves their own opinion even when it’s counter to reality. All you have to do is google what you want to know, there’s a crack-pot for every lid. Experts are denigrated for being ‘elite’ instead of being appreciated for their knowledge and hard work.

The systems of power have been colluding for decades to benefit seniority and the rich at the expense of the young and the poor. Of course young people are going to be pissed about it.

As much as I hate to think that way, there is wisdom in what you are thinking. The problem is that we’ve been conditioned on both sides to think America is some kind of special exception to the rule. We don’t think the shit that occurs in the 3rd World or in banan republics could occur here, as if we lived in a

In case you’re wondering why it seems like things are getting worse, it’s this:

This is the right wing, in a nutshell. I’m so sick and tired of hearing how they give a fuck about the people of this country and how it’s the evil elites on the left who are the real villians. The right care about power, holding power and using it to fuck over as many people as possible before they lose it. Fuck

And those working class white you spoke of? They didn’t vote for Trump because he spoke to them about bring back manufacturing jobs.

Oh bullshit. She didn’t lose the electoral college vote because a bunch of white people had their fee fees hurt by mean liberals. She lost when enough working class Democrats crossed the isle to vote for Trump because he promised to bring back their manufacturing jobs. He won’t. But they believed him when he lied

This is what got me all through the election. How did his supporters, who constantly criticized Hillary for being dishonest, not realize Trump was constantly lying about everything and - probably more importantly to his supporters - the things he was promising to do are, almost without exception, impossible to

Get used to it, right wing idiots. The broken promises are only going to keep coming, and they’re going to get bigger and bigger until you can’t ignore that this orange buffoon is not going to be making you wealthy.

Everything he does is an example of a reason why his idiots hate Hillary Clinton, despite most of those reasons being bullshit.

“No title of nobility shall be granted by the United States: and no person holding any office of profit or trust under them, shall, without the consent of the Congress, accept of any present, emolument, office, or title, of any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or foreign state.”

I wish Oprah had also not exploited Lindsay Lohan. I’m really tired of Oprah being treated like a patron saint of America.

I believe we’ve got a lot of “Somebody” syndrome going- “Somebody” will do something, “somebody” is in charge.

“This buffoon is going to be the puppet of Kusher, Pence, Bannon and Preibus.”

“I would be very careful about exercising your First Amendment right to freedom of speech. Free speech in a Trump administration extends only to fawning praise, not to criticism or dissent of any kind. You knew this when you voted us in.” -said the scorpion to the fucked democracy.