
Remember folks, if you rearrange the letters in Sage Northcutt’s name you get “A Cutter’s Thong.”

Would it be considered cannibalism if Elway started endorsing Jello?

LOL. Fuck you John Elway you horsey piece of shit.

Fuck this woman. Fuck fuck fuck this woman.

I am the owl.

Project Veritas preparing for their next big exposé 

26-14 or, as it’s known in Alabama, courtin’ ages.

Deadspin called to say that I was PROBABLY gonna be ungreyed, but I would have to agree to stop half-assing my comments. I said probably is no good, and took a pass. Thanks anyway!

We can always count on you, Hollow_Log.

Bobby Bortle Service

My son is also named Bort.

Or taking a knee?

When I was a younger, stupider, man I dated a girl who worked at Caesarland. I’d pick her up from work and she’d stink like feet and grease. Because I was young, stupid, and horny, we still did it before she took a shower. It’s one of my greatest shames in life.

This story has really humped the shark.

He’d be obligated to write an article about how to clean blood from pavement.

Wait, YOU wrote “Fuck It, I’m Throwing Downfield”!?!?!? Holy. Shit. I mean, looking back at it now I can see the writing style but wow. WOW. I showed that to guys during a fantasy draft and someone drafted Rex when he was a backup to RG3 simply because of that article.

I’ve always thought Ivanka’s use of words was compelling interest sincerely.

Lime Fiasco is a cool band name.

First Responder: Stay still, sir. I’m going to ask you a few questions.