Shane Purcell

Agreed. I went into the article thinking that the company should have just done a better job making the game with the money provided. And then I read about MS coming back and demanding a single player campaign with no additional time/funds. WTF. When the studio didn’t demand a renegotiation, they became MS’s bitch.

Ugh, the new Chargers, even the hellcat versions, just don’t do it for me. I don’t see the classic Charger when I look at it. The Challenger is alot closer to the original.

Did you two just become best friends?

She can deal with the mid life crisis I chose (73 Charger) or she can deal with a much worse one. (Drinking with buddies where she just assumes we're trolling for women to cheat with.)

I take umbrage with the term 'entirely of the game'. Speedruns are a thing, and I can even undertand glitching as part of speedrunning. But he didn't finish the 'entirety' of the game.

A buddy of mine said they despawn, but not all of them? He just finished his first playthrough, so he admitted he could be wrong.

BB is the worst of the bunch in this respect IMO. It's all pretty drab. I though there was plenty of color in DS1, a little less so in DS2. BB Is drab, no way around it. But the graphics are so much superior in BB, that I'm okay with it.

It bugged the crap out of me in DS1 and DS2. Mostly because the lighting in the game was so bad and inconsistent. It's alot better in Blood Borne. I don't mind it all.

There's alot of things about it that are more reminiscent of Demon Souls over Dark Souls.

I'd say far closer to 10.

If they threw in a DLC or two, I might be tempted. But I'm also incredibly cheap.

Thanks for the review. I feel like it was missing another elephant in the room besides the DLC. Which is the price. It's a AAA priced title, missing an awful lot of content.

Lactose intolerant people are people that lack faith. With enough faith, you can eat a cheesy mountain.

I remember when that commercial showing that thing came out. My wife asked me if that was a real thing. I scoffed and said no, of course not. My wife must feel like a real idiot to have ever asked my opinion on anything.

Wow. I actually thought that whole thing was fake. Like a metaphor or something.

Which is where this whole thing gets ridiculous. If there are rules regarding the balls, why is the NFL even allowing teams to handle them to this extent?

You mean, yo momma so fat she couldn't move during flame wreath if she tried.

Have that exact same mouse. Have another one sitting untouched in a box, when the one I'm using decides to stop working. Maybe one day it will, but I doubt it.

I find this whole thing beyond hilarious. If this is supposed to be targeted at millenials, than they reeaally picked the wrong ad execs. They're off by at least a generation or two.

Frankly, I don't think reporters should be allowed in locker rooms period. Regardless of gender of reporter or athlete. A player shouldn't have to be forced to quickly shower and get dressed so that they don't have to worry about being naked when a reporter is wandering around looking for somebody to interview. But