Shane Purcell


I'm not a huge fan of the Charger redesign. I'm talking overall redesign, not just the latest re-redesign. I don't think it looks enough like the older Chargers. Challenger is much closer and seems to embody the overall spirit of the classic designs. That said, I own a classic Charger, so I'm probably a lot harder

That's a much more amorphous title when it comes to show reels. Employers get very touchy about attributing work to yourself that you didn't do. Some employers require a shot list and a detailing of exactly what you did per shot, so that they don't hire you for a job, based on incorrect information.

I think we know who wears the pants in your family.

You should have man'd the F up and demanded your right to go as slutty smurf.

Getting into the industry is pretty difficult, even if you graduate from a well regarded institute, and work hard. Maybe it was different because I spent my time learning CG after doing time in the military, so I was a bit more mature than the average, but I felt that any time I wasn't at my computer learning, was

If you want to gauge the quality of work yeah. I'm a cg artist, so I generally knew what to look for, but if he hadn't shown breakdowns at the end, the reel wouldn't have been as good.

Wait, there's something wrong with eating Doritos in my underwear until 3pm? Stop trying to handle me!

I found the mechanics and boss fights to be generally inferior to DS1. +DLC

He's a streamer, so he plays games through several more times than the average person would.

He's a streamer, so not it's not an exaggeration.

I've had to come to grips that we might never get a worthy successor to SH2. Which makes me sad. That game is never that far from my thoughts.

Fair enough. I see no reason to not believe you, so my apologies. Anita does indeed have some valid assertions. Too bad her methods are frequently trash. I wasn't referring to Thunderfoot, I don't even know who that is. I was referring to the countless people who have given specific counterpoints, as to why she's

Agreed. They're basically shooting themselves in the foot.

Great. thanks. Too bad, for every one of you, there's 99 out there ready to curbstomp anybody who might disagree with Anita and her methods/opinions.

You literally can't speak objectively and earnestly criticize anybody, without fear of reprisal yourself from these same 'knights'.

I don't begrudge her at all. I don't agree with alot that she says, but getting death threats is no joke. She could post a photo of her flipping the camera two birds and post it on twitter, and I would give it the thumbs up.

Maybe because I don't know you? And maybe because Anita is an absolutely awful example to use in the context of your class? A good majority of what she says is useless drivel, easily shown to be biased, and generally worthy of only being thrown in the trash. She's been soundly refuted time and again, and by people

Oh, for the love of pete. Do we label all muslims evil, because a vocal minority call for the death and dismemberment of those they disagree with?

What in the actual fuck is wrong with the rest of you?