Shane Purcell

I don't wish that sort of experience on anyone, but why should women miss out on all the PTSD fun? -former light infantryman

It's like you didn't actually read the article, nor do you know anything much about anything...

I can believe it. After so many, it's just another boob, penis etc etc.

Wow, I think you need to rethink what the average guy likes or doesn't like. Just my own opinion, but I MUCH prefer a girl with visible labia minora, to a girl that doesn't. When they have none or it's not visible, it makes me think of prepubescent girls. Not really fair to those that don't really have visible

Nice try jerkwad, dude is not American. I'm suing your ass for libel.

Try telling that to parents of special needs kids. Just try, I dare ya.

You are a fucking badass. You obviously have the mental discipline of your avg 12 year old.

Agree, girl is not stupid, which just makes the whole thing weird.

Ive never seen a classier man stuck in a trash bin though. He just owns it.

I'm actually glad these idiots, can't keep their stupid opinions to themselves. It let's people see just how stupid they really are, and hopefully helps them lose their next election. Regardless of your political leanings, there's no room for this kind of misogynistic lunacy.

Hardly seems like a troll. Seems like a pretty legit question to me.

I maybe not have been a gushing fan of every dress, but I thought that they were all for the most part very nice looking. But J-Lo's dress for some reason set me off. I saw it and I was like "Really J-Lo? Really?" Not sure why.

The worst school shooting in US history was perpetrated by a guy with two handguns. Citizens aren't actually allowed to own literal assault rifles, just semi-automatic rifles that look badass, but are basically hunting rifles, with the sole exception being the capability to use larger magazines. Of course, the

I have no doubt you are correct. The puritanical attitude in the US is pretty ingrained. For instance, when I was going through basic training as an 18 year old, I just couldn't fathom having coed showers. It's just an incredibly foreign concept to me that I just could have grokked it at that age. We're just weird

Instructions unclear, penis caught in toaster. Seriously I hate my wife's new windows 8 machine I got her for christmas. Just need to find my windows 7 cd that came with the old one I assembled and get this whole problem resolved.

I don't think you understand what freedom of speech means.

Instructions unclear, dick caught in my CPU fan.

There's always somebody less privileged than you out there.

I don't disagree, I'm just playing devils advocate. I'm not some chauvinist that thinks females are these delicate flowers that couldn't handle the stress of combat etc etc. If they can cut the mustard, let em do what they want. But having seen how the military does things, I have doubts that they're in a hurry to

I can think of tons of situations where when I was in the light infantry, and we were 'out in the field' there might be issues with having a single female amongst us. Here's one example: I was in 10th MTN DIV, where we frequently show shoed out into the field in the dead of winter with feet of show accumulated, for