Shane Purcell

Maybe I'm just so use to seeing worthless celebrities act like such total shits, that he indeed seems rather harmless in comparison.

I hope she can, but god the military takes so long to make changes.

Nobody's perfect. I'm only vaguely aware of the dude, and his internet presence, but you literally can't be a saint every minute of every day. He 'seems' like a good enough person, who like anybody, can have a moment of asshattery from time to time.

I'd be totally fine with this... if we lived in a perfect world where evil and corrupt people couldn't use these in an abusive manner.

You know who would check a laptop or tablet? People (law enforcement) who like to catch thieves using devices with tracking capabilities. Believe me it happens ;)

I feel like this article, should be about this kid, but about the adult's that are responsible for this kid.

heh sorry, but from one man to another: you're an asshole.

Just focusing on the D3 issue, where he 'let' you die. WTF is that about? D3 is not WoW. His barb is not a tank. It was not his job to keep you alive. How could you miss that?

yeah, that was kinda my point.

I think the two usually go hand in hand. That being the narcissism, and colossal balls.

heh highschool. I swear it existed for nothing more than creating all the things I cringe about in my late 30's...

Agreed. If Marc had chosen to take the high road, and kill the customer with kindness, on a public forum such as facebook, I think most would agree, that he would have came out the victor. And probably actually brought in new customers. The way he reponded though, isn't going to help his restaurant any.

Umm.. That did not look particularly good. The fact they listed other games made by the same studio, in the video, and chose to not include their latest game, brink, was telling as far as I'm concerned.

That would be what people call...Bling... Did I say that right? Bling?

While I don't really have any sympathy for the man, I feel like if this was an article about a lady bemoaning the same issues, the entire article would have been written differently... or not at all...

Well no, they didn't do EVERYTHING. But it seems to me, they did everything reasonable.

Between this and the taxes thing, I'm beginning to think some republicans actually understand why they lost the last election.

Sure, because I want the power cord sticking out the front. Not to mention the other cables you don't want to look at, like the video, mouse etc etc. Stupid comment.

"I disagree. I think Americans accept as a matter of course that any number of foreign women and children must regrettably die — as long as they're brown, of course — in order to make the United States slightly safer."

He's talking visually, I thought that was obvious.