Shane Purcell

People who think that Hollywood stars, have any obligation to being a role model for your lil unique snowflake, can go take a long walk off a short pier.

Something that needs to be considered, because the military would, is the long term physical effects of what performing the required roles, would do on the average female body. I'm no longer in the military, but when I was, I was in the light infantry. I did it, when I was young, strong, and in incredible shape. To

I said basically the same thing myself. It needs to start with a changing of the standards, which can't fairly be done, until training standards have been changed. Currently women, just aren't expected to meet the male standards, so how can we expect to have any large number of women who can meet the standard, and

This is the thing: There are ALOT of combat situations where there are ALOT of women who would do fine. Things like urban warfare, guerilla warfare, things of that nature. Fortunately that seems to be the ever growing method we are fighting wars these days. BUT, there are still ALOT of combat related situations,

I disagree. The game, be default, has you playing it by yourself. It's only after you specifically choose to play with others, is it a multi-player experience. To me, that makes it as singleplayer game, with multiplayer capabilities, not the other way around.

I don't have anything to say about hacked games, but I just got the game today. Installed. (man that was a long install). Started up the game: needs updated video drivers. Off I go to get them. Get that installed. Started up game: Needs battlenet stuff. This shit is worse then windows for gaming live. I have

They can, call JFK or FDR awesome, but they would be wrong. Certainly for the reasons you specified. This lady doesn't seem all that awesome to me. I mean she's fine, it's just the article overplays her IMO. A political journalist now the 'significant other' of the person holding the highest political office in

I love meat, soy, AND veggies! I love em all!

F that! I get so few zits, that when I DO get one, it's pretty damn special.

Yeah, because watching all that stupid shit, that only people who pay for the movie have to watch, is the same as not having to watch them at all.

As someone who used to work for an Intel vendor, I can say pretty easily, that Intel aren't known for being very nice. That said, I still buy Intel chips, because I just tend to have alot less problems with them versus AMD. Oh, and I hate AMD's graphics cards.

I also would give your 11 year old self a huge hug. I know what abusive mother's can be like.

I would give anything for a kick ass mom. My real mother is a mentally ill person who chose drugs over myself, and my twin sister when were toddlers. My stepmom (who I called stepmonster as a kid, though never to her face of course) once beat me because I embarrassed her by walking across the pool at the end of

Tell that all the loved ones of people who have committed suicide.

screw that, l love pine forests.

uhhh, I don't need help remembering that.

well certainly, arizona, is all those things you said. But florida has long had a reputation for being..well crazy. [] has a whole category just for florida.

I'm starting to think Arizona is the new Florida, with all the silliness I read about the state in the news.

This is just pathetic. If I remember how I was when I was a kid, I might have felt mighty uncomfortable wrestling a girl, but that was 20 years ago. I don't think I would have thought twice about playing against one in baseball. Especially if she had no softball alternative.

Hey maybe they should add in like a 30 minute infomercial about how wrong pirating is. It'll give me time for a pre-movie meal, or even a pre-movie nap!