Don't forget, just because a dude, aint 'well' endowed, doesn't mean he's tiny. I would consider an 'average' size weiner to not be 'well' endowed. Man what an overuse of the quote, unquote. lol
Don't forget, just because a dude, aint 'well' endowed, doesn't mean he's tiny. I would consider an 'average' size weiner to not be 'well' endowed. Man what an overuse of the quote, unquote. lol
Girl is only better looking then the average ugly lady walking down the street.
Geez relax, your blood pressure will thank you.
heh... gross.
Sorry, but from a child welfare standpoint, I think the state needs to step in and resolve this situation. By removing some of the children. It's obvious she (and a good percentage of single parents for that matter) don't have the means to support this many children. I don't know how many children they should find…
Yup, religions are pretty much crazy.
I still say they were wrong on the 'soda explodes in a hot car' phenomena that they say is a myth. I can speak from experience, that it can, and did happen.
They already punish us viewers that prefer the 2d version. There are alot less showings, and they're stuck in tiny tiny theatres. At least that's been my experience at my local movieplex.
The hyperbole is strong with young Sam Biddle.
So do you Dr. Jones!
Bacon is considered red meat? Who knew?!
That's the thing though. 'You' are celebrating, which is likely not something you do every day, so I can't imagine eating a nice juicy steak every once and awhile, will have a tangible effect on your long term health. I think this study is more or less aimed at those people that just plain eat it all the time. I…
I didn't go watch it, because I thought it looked rather silly.
Nice try troll. Just because you eat meat, doesn't mean you don't eat vegetables. I'm not a vegan, and still consume massive amounts of fruits and vegetables every day. Most of them through juicing, but plenty through just eating them. Oh, and my boss, doesn't eat meat, but is still overweight. You can still get…
"Some are afraid that the mall tour, even as it endears sparkling Hunger Games stars Jennifer Lawrence, Liam Hemsworth, and Josh Hutcherson to young women all over America, will alienate young men, who aren't yet self-possessed enough to enter theater full of screaming girls so that they can enjoy two-hours of implied…
This is what irks me about republicans, and well, politicians in general. The hypocrisy. I thought republicans were all about 'the government staying out of the lives of its citizens'. Smaller government! But then they try this shit.
You know, I've never eaten there, but Connecticut sure seems to have a high ratio of great pizza joints per capita. Best pizza I ever had was at Pepe's in New Haven.
Politicians are good for at least being able to spin spin sin. Of course he said it was metaphorical. He'd be an even bigger idiot to admit he thought islands could actually tip over. Reading Odin's responses further down thread, he seems willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. If the guy had spoken with…
Really? You thought he was speaking in metaphor? Seriously? After spending 90 seconds making himself look stupid, while describing the dimensions of the island, you thought he did a 180 and spoke in metaphor. Right....
Dude, chill. How do you know he wasn't solely referring to himself? I know I wasted quite a bit of time on that game myself.