About 10 pounds
About 10 pounds
Yes, this one 100%. I reference that more often than is reasonable, which is probably “at all,” but also more than that.
Among other reasons it might be different, I have to point out that if he’d gone to her and apologized with convincing remorse, and especially if she forgave him, she’d be a lot less likely to have written letters to Senators begging them to keep him off the court.
I thought it was so, so good. I like to say that if you enjoy Kate McKinnon, you’ll enjoy The Spy who Dumped Me. If you think Kate McKinnon is a bit much, you won’t like the movie, but the movie doesn’t like you either, so it balances out.
Well, now I feel bad.
I adore Aisling Bea, but she goes unmentioned here except to acknowledge in a single parenthetical that her character exists. I assume I should calibrate my expectations that she’s barely present on the show?
Sounds nice.
Here’s a pretty textbook example of pro-status-quo journalism waving at the bad numbers and saying “See? You were dumb to try and make things better! Everything is best when you just let the free market profit off the justice system!”
I can’t remember the character names, though I’m pretty sure I’d recognize the House character if somebody threw the name out. He also dated Robin (after being her therapist) for a bit on HIMYM, he was a Hollywood talent scout for pets on New Girl, and he’s a main character on Designated Survivor where he was a speech…
It has resulted in higher no-release detention in Maryland, where the appeals court simply demanded that trial judges must use cash bail as a last possible resort. As is often the case, a directive of priorities with no infrastructure in place to support a change in behavior (or money to create such an infrastructure)…
Simply taking the bail option out of the arraignment hearing is an option, but not the only one, and it’s been demonstrated to backfire in just the way you’re describing in places like Maryland. You see judges giving quotes to papers about how they’re worried that if they release a person who goes on to commit a new…
It’s a publishing/editor’s term like “lede”
Rather than cash collateral, the intent is that there should be impartial risk assessments done to determine the likelihood of their appearing voluntarily. Pre-trial detention shouldn’t be the default, it should be used only when the court has a good reason to believe the defendant won’t appear.
I pictured more of a Harry Dean Stanton, but I guess he’s gone and died.
Worst police is a real tough contest. I’ll accept that MSU is at least seeded.
Plaintiff Erika and her friends went to the Michigan State University police department and reported the rape. The police told them that since she was an athlete, she had to report it to the athletic department. The detective explicitly told them that he was powerless to investigate anything that takes place to the…
That would easily be Magary’s line of the year, if he hadn’t previously come up with “Vikings fans travel about as well as Buddy Holly.”
Two years in a row, she’s had sitcoms picked up by NBC for a script order, but neither one made it to the pilot stage. Personally, I’d take an Amber Ruffin series direct to 22 episodes sight unseen.
I genuinely thought it was a drawing at first.