Well, regarding Nerdist, Hardwick hasn’t had a managerial role there in over two years, and his contract with them at all ended at the end of 2017. All Nerdist actually did to “cut ties” was remove a section from their About Us website.
Well, regarding Nerdist, Hardwick hasn’t had a managerial role there in over two years, and his contract with them at all ended at the end of 2017. All Nerdist actually did to “cut ties” was remove a section from their About Us website.
I’ve sucked dick a couple times, and I’m not bisexual, in much the same way that I’ve gone golfing a couple times, and I’m not a golfer. Sometimes you give something a shot and decide “nah, not for me.”
The director apparently kept trying to convince her to drop the accent, and her attitude was basically “I’m doing this show because it seems like a hoot, and so you can either pay me to screw around on set and do this hilarious accent, or I can just head home.”
And you can move the fuck out of your shithole one-horse town, get away from your toxic parents, move to a city where it might not be perfect, but it’s a hell of a lot BETTER than the things making you want to kill yourself.
Turning to the person next to you and asking who she is is harmless. Getting out your megaphone and “asking” 27.7 million people who she is is a deliberate and dickish snubbing.
Not just worked with her husband, but as she says, they’ve MET several times.
It does not matter. You’d need every House Democrat plus 25 Republicans in order to impeach, and after the trial, you’d need every Senate Democrat and Independent, and 18 of the 51 Republicans to vote to convict.
Did you miss the part where Square-Enix has skipped the last two years?
I think the statement is probably broadly true of all the games from Paradox Development Studio, while some third-party games published by Paradox Interactive lack the same opportunity for cosplay Nazism.
Waitwaitwait, I’m still hung up on the second paragraph. A movie in 2017 posits a robot revolution that results in 75% adoption of a new consumer product in 2 years and the total elimination of the human military inside of 3?
Actually, the French for wolf is “loup”. Garou is from Proto-Germanic->Frankish->Old French and means “werewolf.” Hilariously (to me anyway), the current French term for a werewolf literally translates as wolf-werewolf.
It’s $4 billion last year, so 268,000. Though 15k/year is probably a low estimate. A quick Google turns up 17k GBP, into the 3.2 billion GBP from the article, equal to 188,235 annual cashier wages.
This article slips an m where it wants a b, and misstates the “over 4 years.” According to the linked article, the loss is estimated at 3.2 billion GBP (4.25 billion USD) this year, a figure which is double the estimate from 4 years ago.
Have they? Good news, then.
I’d say it’s adapted, not a remake, of Gran Hotel. For one thing, it’s set today, rather than in 1905.
I’m worried that they’re going to waste a full first season, or at least 13 episodes, on the Project Noah section, which is basically just the prologue. I can’t imagine they got Gosselaar only to write him out after the pilot.
A good take, but still wrong. Her best role was Sadie Doyle as part of the Thrilling Adventure Hour.
Eros is super gross
It’s not entirely clear, but I don’t think humans are supposed to have descended from the Eternals (Thanos’ folks). The Celestials showed up and fiddled with caveman DNA, creating the Eternals who look like modern humans, and the Deviants, who look like monsters. Thanos is weird because he was born to Eternal parents,…