
That bulb is going to last like 3 minutes.

Yep. No way he did all that for 3500.

Not completely the point. If the part of the trail you're on is hard pack, you want your tires at a higher pressure than if you're navigating sand or a really rocky bit. Most of the time you just pick a happy medium, but for super EXXXXTREEEMME! (tm) riders, they could adjust their pressure on the fly.

I got rid of my s2000 because of that. I do most of my own work, but had no interest in tackling that.

I smell a trick question.

Hopefully all of them.

I say let it happen. Thin the herd. More resources for me and mine.

That is just binary for "sadness". I'm guessing the other codes will be easy enough to figure out...

Both accounts up fine for me.

How does "CHUE ME" become "excuse me"?

Damnit. I came in here to post that!

Admittedly, I'm an idiot, but I don't really understand where the little ball you control is allowed to go and not allowed to go. I understand smiley vs frowney, but sometimes he used the background to roll on, but not always. I like deadmau5, but these aren't my type of games.

Riley Children's Hospital in Indianapolis is the same way, or the same place.

Panes? Dedicating? WTF?

It's probably a dog. Or some sort of mutant.

Couldn't find a picture of the Casino La Fantastique billboard.

No one will have them?

Wingdings is better.

I must be an idiot. I can't find the "Collection" anywhere.

Isn't she like 15?