To clarify, which one was the moron?
To clarify, which one was the moron?
I have an epson 8350 that I paid 800 dollars for (black friday at frys) projected at 120 inches and it looks amazing. I'll never pay a premium for 4k.
My receiver does 4k output, but I don't have any source materials or a a display that can handle it.
Missed it by that much :(.
They should drink somewhere with free refills on soda. Would have saved like 200 bucks.
So you move to the country. If you can afford a 120k car, you can afford a cabin near some nice roads. Also, if you can afford a 120k car, you can afford to grease the palms of the local smokies into letting you take it out from time to time.
Loved speed racer also. Just picked up the blu ray for $7 on amazon.
How do you know he's drunk?
She's not really busy, maybe they could just get her.
Me also. The only FPS I played online last year was Sector 8. Hella fun, other than the the fact that only 8 people are playing it at any given time.
There seems to be some confusion in this thread. The "chick" on the right, is a dude. In particular, the dude on the left.
The chick on the right is a dude. Sorry.
"Can you claim you are a doctor because you know how to use the search function on
No. I hate the taste of alcohol, and could really taste the vodka in this.
Just made this. Wife hates beer. I love beer, but don't like the taste of alcohol.
These number are only torrent downloads also. They don't include the Usenet numbers. Probably need to add at least another 25% to those numbers.
I got it through steam, so no origin required for me.
If I were to pirate those games, it would be because I wanted to play through the short single player, and not pay 60 dollars for an essentially online only title.
Not true.