Ah, an MD. Everyone thinks you people make out like bandits, but half your friends make more per hour than you do (before factoring in liability insurance and med school loans) and they get the luxury of a 9 to 5 instead of 80 weeks with on-calls.
Ah, an MD. Everyone thinks you people make out like bandits, but half your friends make more per hour than you do (before factoring in liability insurance and med school loans) and they get the luxury of a 9 to 5 instead of 80 weeks with on-calls.
Having a toxic asshole for a friend is an entirely separate issue and one that goes beyond my intents here. And I don’t think you need me to tell you how to handle that situation.
The last thing you should do if someone prods at your income is “call them on it”. You will not avoid sounding pretentious. Enjoying the fruits of your hard work? Because I dont work hard?
Actually, not really. Neither candidate receives much/any carried interest. Which is a big reason why Trump is in favor of taxing it. He doesn’t pay it, but all the snooty Wall St guys that are too good to be seen with DJT (from his perspective) will be hurt by it.
RE: Psychopass. The arbitrary nature of the PP number is a feature not a bug. If you only got 3 eps in you might not have got to that point. But it is purposely unjust.
Give it 4 years when Pence tries running at the top of the ticket. By then Trump will be as hated by the base as Romney is now, because both committed the cardinal sin of losing to a Democrat. Once that happens the armor stops working.
To be fair to you, they only put like 3 dozen oreos in the packages these days. A person could kill that while watching a a movie.
Any company that can’t get rid of dead weight is a poorly run company, regardless of whether or not there’s a union. Either they FUBARed the labor negotiations, they ruined relations with labor leadership, or are simply too lazy to go through the hassle of dumping dead weight via more creative measures.
Eh...the only thing Elite is hiding is more goddamn grinding.
Right, because I don’t meet their physical fitness standards. But the military is *very* aware of how hard and how long they can (or at least should) push their troops. After that point, units are fatigued, and will get themselves killed.
If you are spending more than 40-50 hours at the office, every week, all the time you’re literally wasting your time. Your long past the point of positive marginal return. Each extra hour is stealing productivity from your previous hours, assuming you were even spending the first 40 hours wisely.
Are you asking if I’ve done time trials? No, I don’t have time for that. The point is that the engine is fine, but gets sluggish when it’s hot out. It is less of an issue when it is cool out. That is all.
Like the article says, if it’s a modern, electronically controlled engine, it doesn’t. Matter. Such engines constantly adjust timing for fuel grade and temperature to ensure the engine operates without damaging itself.
I think you’re closer...year 2000 isn’t that important. I think the more important one is “are you old enough to remember how the world was before everyone lost their shit on 9/11".
I miss the mako. Ever find that giant alien monument on the edge of that one planet that only worked if you collected the random artifact from some side quest?
Having put like 30 hours into NMS, I’d agree with you on everything but 1: the planets are NOT just pallette swaps. Each one has its own unique character.
It’s okay. She is now the poster child of entitled mediocrity. Every person she ever meets, every job she’ll ever apply for, will know she’s a loser by typing her name into Google and hitting the Lucky button.
To be fair, a room temperature hot dog would sway Clarence Thomas if the liberal wing said they like sausages of all kinds.
Her dad was a long-time friend of the attorney, who had be hunting the country for someone with a clear enough case to take it to SCOTUS, which since it turned conservative on GWB’s watch has been itching to dismantle affirmative action in all its forms.
Yeah...but the difference between i5 and i7 in the U series is almost nothing. Has been for years. Unless you’re doing some hard number crunching, where the whopping 10% theoretical difference in clocks matters (IRL will matter less due to thermal limits). In which case, you bought the wrong machine.
Yeah...but the difference between i5 and i7 in the U series is almost nothing. Has been for years. Unless you’re…