2001 was coherent. It was just...kinda stupid, in addition to being boring.
2001 was coherent. It was just...kinda stupid, in addition to being boring.
This is kinda aside, but between Pao, Mayer, Fiorina, Sandberg, and Holmes (let me know if there’s another famous woman in/from tech that I’m missing), Pao seems the most competent and the least obnoxious. And that’s despite the fact she was left her last two jobs in less-than-perfect circumstances.
The point I’m making is that the house is way, way outside of Knoxville norms, and the house itself is comparable to a million+ home in an urban area.
Sorry, I thought I was replying to someone else, who took umbrage at the idea that anyone with a $700k house (specifically in an urban area) had to earn big dollars to own the place.
Payments for what? An 80/20 on 700K?
Nah. My house isn’t worth half of what theirs is, closer to 1/3. And I said they were lucky (and old), not typical. Also, it’s 700K in a urban area, where the dollar doesn’t stretch that far. There’s million dollar studio walkups in SF and New York.
My first thought was “that’s not that expensive of a house. I know people who got lucky (despite having middling white collar jobs) in the 90s and 2000s housing markets that have a house that expensive.”
No, but half of all oil is turned into gasoline, with almost 30% more used as kerosene and diesel. Non fuel products are less than 25% of oil used.
...or they’re just reposting something Vanity Fair put up this morning. It’s not like this is the first bit of SV gossip they’ve put up, in fact that’s how the whole Thiel mess got started.
They’re two terms for the same damn thing. When you increase the ISO setting on a camera, you’re increasing voltage to the amp, which increases the signal from the sensor.
Use whatever wording you want, just answer the fucking question: what is *simulated* about a variable gain amp?
Right, you’ve amply demonstrated your ability to construct a straw man.
Using one term for two separate processes which result in identical, standardized outcomes is not a simulation in any sense of the word.
Right, because its only a problem when it happens to other people, right?
Uh...no. Where did you get that idea? ISO on a digital camera is not a “simulation”. Its not the same physical process, clearly, as film but ISO camera settings absolutely adjust the sensitivity of a digital sensor, allowing it to gather more light at the expense of greater noise and reduced dynamic range.
The “backup plan” is to fly away while vectoring reinforcements. The real world doesn’t have lone fighters facing off like fucking action heros. There will never be just 1 or 2 F-35 in the sky at one time. It will, in fact, outnumber competing aircraft (such as Su-35) 10:1 in raw numbers alone.
Possible. But he still didn’t kill anyone important. Not yet at least.
Who his target *was*. Given that A Man is back in Bravos, one can assume the mission is over. Given that no one we care about was killed by him, we can also assume it wasn’t material to the story.