
I never know what to do with these kinds of cases. I am a survivor of rape, and deeply believe in showing support and compassion to victims, but at the same time I am deeply uncomfortable with the idea that a person’s personal and professional life can and should be ruined based on two tweets, with absolutely no

I love her.

This is a strong point. I wouldn’t be surprised if Amber Heard and Jonny Depp, like Kim and Kayne before them, just spend a lot of time looking at each other and applauding.

I have no trouble believing she’s every bit the intellectual equal of Johnny Depp.

Condescending to show surprise that an adult woman would know as much about music/culture as an adult man, is how I read it.

Nope you aren’t always notified of a recall at least one woman interviewed wasn’t notified until after she gave birth. Hard to use extra protection then to prevent anything.

Abstinence is the only effective form of birth control? They’re saying this so close to Christmas?

Since Jezebel and its privileged young white readership are in the tank for Sanders, I’m not surprised that this article not only leaves out a very important aspect of this incident, it also sells the fiction that BLM represents the black electorate in any meaningful way. Hell, even the unofficial leaders or

Isn’t life expectancy in the high 70s in most countries? 37 is pretty much in the middle of middle aged. Scary, huh?

Maybe that’s not the right word. Dorky? He’s not exactly as suave as his dad, so maybe that’s how I’m judging him, perhaps unfairly. It doesn’t really matter that much; I think in Canada you can’t really win on image, although you can certainly lose on it.

It's crazy, sarky snark aside. I am really bummed about Peggy Nash and Megan Leslie.

I hate to go around popping everyone’s NDP bubbles*, but landslides like this are not the result of strategic voting. They are the result of a pretty weak campaign run by Mulcair, and the fact that, actually, Canadians really fucking like Justin Trudeau.

I, for one, am just disappointed Crimson Peak isn’t a movie about the infighting of a submarine crew that is trying to escape a volcano in Oregon.

finally, somebody told him to Mackle-less

I think that the connection is the very definition of tenuous. If Columbus Day disappeared tomorrow, they’d still have these sales, they’d just call them something else. I think the only reason they use holidays is for two main reasons: 1) it gives people something concrete they can connect it to and basically

And you should be ashamed of yourself for being this naive. Her great way of fighting her eating disorder issues is by paying homage to GQ magazine’s representation of women? Is she trying to say to all the boys and girls struggling with the same diseases, “Hey! I’m finally cured of my eating disorder because I look

I will apologize for nothing.

Pissing in a sink is one thing, pissing in your customer’s cup, in their kitchen is the dimension of the story that is important.