
Because people didn’t care about 2 year olds in 1872, or whenever the hell baseball was invented.

No, mouth padlocks were never a thing - much like chastity belts, which turn up in cheesy torture museums but were never actually used.

Jesus.  It’s not a class issue.  Don’t put people’s tits on the internet without their consent!  Even if they can sue you!  It’s still not cool!

He was!  And it doesn’t seem like his home life was snuggles and rainbows either.

What was the porpoise of those terrible puns?

Sure, but this is an article about Queer Eye.

Thanks for the list - I just bought The Heavens. You can never have too many book suggestions!

Was coming to post that very thing. Nermal was definitely a she! Wasn’t she?  Was my childhood a lie?

The trick is to spend a lifetime living in a Province that only has Tim Horton’s; then, in your early 30s, try a Krispy Kreme donut on vacation.  That’s what happened to me, and I was not underwhelmed.  In fact, I’m getting misty just thinking about it.

I’m gonna butcher this and would welcome a more elegant answer, but...

I’m in Newfoundland, so I got that part down.  Everything west of Halifax is, frankly, befuddling.

I’m in Newfoundland- the less we know about our mainland cousins, the happier we are.

There is only one road, but Toronto is right in the middle of it.

You could replace “Raptors fan” with “Canadian sports fan” and you’d still be spot on.

“Youngsters Fucking: The TV Show” is gonna be a hard pass for me - I stream HBO content and I’d be afraid of winding up on a watchlist.

I don’t know you, but I think you deserve a better class of arch nemesis.

Actually, the fact that Jimmy Fallon and Adam Sandler are famous millionaires despite being Jimmy Fallon and Adam Sandler is a a pretty powerful testament to Lorne Michaels. Say what you want about him, he made a lot of money off of those dudes. He probably made money off of David Spade. David Spade. That, friend, is

I know you’re making a point and all... but why not?  Arya is a stone cold killer and that whole ‘remember who you are’ convo with Sansa and Jon at Winterfell could be a pretty big red flag.  If Arya tries to rope Jon into killing Dany and he refuses, she will totally rip off his face.

Naw, all the CBS viewers saw Green Book last winter. They’re woke now.

I think it totally tracks with her characterization. Hear me out!