
I have a flabby tummy and no kid to show for it, and I wasn’t bothered by the ad at all. It didn’t ‘benefit’ me, sure, but I’m not the target audience. I just think back to all those sitcoms like Friends, where Jennifer Aniston’s character is back to a size 2 when she brings the baby home from the hospital. I think

The Academy should just unfuck up the nominations and give Toni Collette the damn award for Herediary Muriel’s Wedding”.

Hence the ‘eventually’, friend.

The problem is that “somewhere else” will eventually mean “Donald Trump”.

I’ve spent a lot of time in the town where the water was taken.  It was morons who thought it was vodka, I guarantee.

Oh man, I saw the picture of Rick Steves at the top of your site with the title “Last Call” and thought he was dead. Don’t scare me like that!

He’s gonna win in 2020, no question (I mean, prove me wrong! Please!  But he’s gonna win).

Democracy is a harsh mistress, indeed.

Montreal is great! What it lacks in history and touristy kitsch, it makes up for in better restaurants, better nightlife, better shopping, better transportation. And there is some history and touristy kitsch!

Don’t worry. In exactly three days James Cordon or Daniel Day Lewis or Mark Ruffalo will say something vaguely dumb, and everyone will forget how much they’re not supposed to like Liam Neeson.

My theory is that you have a weird-ass looking taint.

It costs me $550 a month to heat my house in the winter. Bad winter is bad.

Wait, are you accusing Chernow of rewriting history, or the Broadway musical? Because they are not the same thing, and I haven’t heard any complaints that Chernow’s biography of Hamilton plays fast and loose with history.

You’d be miserable too if you found out your parents spent $102 on a large sweatshirt that says “A”, and thus you can’t afford to go to Disney this year.

Not all us single girls are bitter and jealous!  Some of us change our priorities, some of us don’t.  It’s all good!

It was doomed - they did divorce - but I’m right there with you in saying that the Brody article was ass.

Another great conversation killer is just telling them where you went to college, because chances are they don’t really give a fuck and the conversation will end there anyways.

Assuming that anyone elderly is going to to be intolerant just because your grandparents are is a pretty big assumption to make. Lots of elderly people like gay people. Lots of elderly people are gay. Lots of them probably don’t care for jesus one way or another.

It’s a good movie. It’s overlong, and the shaky cam is a bit much at times, but the flight scenes are great and it was fun to spot the Apollo astronauts in the background (Hi, Pete Conrad! Sorry you didn’t get any lines!)

That New Yorker review was not, in fact, good. It was a bad review.