
Get some kids, if you feel you must have children to read these books, and get thee to your library. Trust me, people have procreated for waaay worse reasons than because they needed an excuse to read Don’t Care High.

God, YA fiction in the 80s was dire. That said, I was raised on a steady diet of Babysitters Club, Sweet Valley High, and “Dream Prom”-esque novels, and I turned out all right.

Also: I bet there’s a market for the ‘Watching Paint Dry” game. In a society where colouring in colouring books is a legitimate activity that adults pay to do, people would buy this. It’s... zen!

He was pretty mean in that Rihanna video...

I would also highty recommend lululemon’s patented splashproof blood-resistant yoga pants, designed for the upscale lady who likes an early morning yogic sacrifice. They’re a steal at $140 and make your ass look great in downward dog.

Years ago I was browsing through a magazine at my (very lovely, very Salvation Army) Aunt’s house, and there was an article discussing whether it was Christian to do yoga. This was probably mid-90s, when yoga was just becoming a ‘thing’ (by which I mean, a thing that Suburban White People did). The upshot was: no;

I can’t blame the Judge for this. He was served a mess of a case and could not have convicted on the evidence in front of him. He’s certainly not saying that the problem is that we disbelieve women 100% of the time.

My two cents: it’s not a great book. But with GMR on board there’s every chance this will be a great movie, so wait for that.

I bet I know where that truck was headed...

The author goes out of her way to point out, several times, that she’s NOT claiming the Irish had an easy run of it. And you don’t seem to take issue with the idea that black slaves had it worse than the Irish. So what’s your problem?

I took ‘good’ to mean a consistent, technically competent runner who derives benefits from running. Obviously not everyone who runs will win races. I’ve never won so much as a fun run (and probably never will), but I consider myself a pretty good runner, because I’ve avoided injury, gotten healthier, and have yet to

Yeah, but it just goes to show there were some Italian explorers plugging away back then. Marco Polo or Giovanni Caboto would have been better examples.

Amerigo Vespucci, Italian - not the dude who discovered it, but they named it after him anyway.

I think it certainly is implied, especially when considering his pro-exploration, agnostic background. Which is cool - I’m pro-exploration and a full on atheist - but it’s still an odd quote.

I work with a lot of people with addictions and, unfortunately, that’s not how it works. I’ve seen plenty of people who come from money, and many of those families give them places to stay and fund their addictions - often because they think that if they stop paying, their loved one will leave and wind up on the

There are many things wrong with that tweet. America is named after an Italian explorer! Spain is busting at the seams with cathedrals! And it’s pretty sketchy to make an argument that Spanish Explorers > Italian Cathedral Builders, what with all the murdering and the enslaving and the raping and whatnot.

She said a dumb, wrong thing. She apologized. Maybe she misspoke, maybe she didn’t. You guys are staring down the barrel of a Trump Presidency. Let it go.

Yes, because there are sooo many leading roles for women of colour floating around out there.

A defendant is not obligated to give evidence in any criminal trial in Canada (nor are they obliged to in the US, as far as I know). The Crown has to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that they’ve made out the elements of the offence; as a general rule a defendant would only testify if those elements have been

I always assumed it’s so that the reader can imagine what the characters look like. If the book has a head shot of a person, you’re naturally going to visualize that person when reading about the character.