
Which brings up further questions. Did everyone in America get MASS implanted? Or when they wipe your memory, do they also wipe your knowledge that roaches look like normal people?

But then how does the twist at the end tie into this thesis? Does it reinforce or cut away from the feeling you were having? If that's solely what the episode was going for, wouldn't it be more impactful for the viewer to initially think the kid had done something super serious and then the "reveal" to be that the

Molly's black friends were equally as uncomfortable when confronted by a class difference as Issa's white friends were around a racial difference and spouted the same trite platitudes (college isn't for everyone) in a hurried attempt to move the conversation onto a different topic.

Sure, but tell us how you really feel.

I had the same feeling about them giving out an A- for the first episode of the new Black Mirror. If Nosedive is your idea of an A-, you're going to have to invent a few more letters for San Junipero.

I can relate to his LaCroix obsession but who's favorite flavor is cucumber-grape??? It's not even a real flavor but if it were, it would be the Tiffany Trump of LaCroix flavors.

Ah, you're right. Didn't catch the first bit.

I'm honestly surprised they filmed in Taiwan because I was looking closely the entire episode and, apart from Eddie at the temple, all of it could have been done with clever green screen and a B-roll team. All of the Asian-American accents on the side characters were also incredible distracting. You would think if

Ah, you're right! That would explain why it was so unmemorable and I've also just outed myself as someone who watched Odd Mom Out :(.

It's mentioned that it's her father's points. I'm guessing the backstory is her dad is some high flying executive who subsidized his child's art career.

I mean, the scores have been A, A-, A, A-. Do you really need to guess as to why it's being covered?

Ugh, this is driving me nuts. What other quirky NY comedy was that back yard in? IIRC, the plot was something like a couple of snobby Manhattenites discovering that Brooklyn existed.

I think America is at the forefront of the movement but it's definitely spreading around the world. Whenever I go back to visit friends in Australia, I'm noticing more and more how parenting there is becoming Americanized and Europe seems to be heading the same way.

I loved them showing Max sitting in on an adult dinner party like that. We seem so intent on segregating children and adults into their own worlds out of some duty to protect (and weird paranoia about pedophilia) but in doing so, we lose the ability for children to have non-familial adult friends.

I have SO many questions about the logistics of that scavenger hunt. Like, are they hiring a full time actor to watch porn on a public library computer all day in the hopes of catching a scavenger participant? How is the library OK with that? Did they assign a tail to follow the group to the recording studio and then

Paul's also shown himself to be emotionally stunted in many ways and it's likely Lindsey was the first female to ever show him attention. Even though he had that thing with the nerd girl when they were separated, I suspect that Paul, deep down, fears that he could never be attractive to anyone else and prefers the

I hope Katja and Ben do an explainer style interview on how they coaxed such a nuanced performance out of that dog because that was some seriously top notch acting.